2024-05-29 周三 成为神的儿子







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Becoming the Sons of God – Gal. 3:26

The Fullness of the Time

In Gal. 4:4-5 Paul goes on to say, “But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, come of a woman, come under law, that He might redeem those under law, that we might receive the sonship.” The fullness of time in verse 4 denotes the completion of the Old Testament time, which occurred at the time appointed of the Father. In this verse Paul describes the Son as “come of a woman, come under law.” The woman is, of course, the virgin Mary. The Son of God came out of her to be the seed of woman, as promised in Genesis 3:15.

The Sonship – The Focal Point of God’s Economy

Christ was born under law, as revealed in Luke 2:21-24, 27, and He kept the law, as the four Gospels reveal. God’s chosen people were shut up by law under its custody (Gal/ 3:23). Christ was born under law in order to redeem them from its custody that they might receive the sonship and become the sons of God. Hence, they should not return to the custody of law to be under its slavery as the Galatians had been seduced to do, but should remain in the sonship of God to enjoy the life supply of the Spirit in Christ.

According to the entire revelation of the New Testament, God’s economy is to produce sons. Sonship is the focal point of God’s economy, God’s dispensation. God’s economy is the dispensation of Himself into His chosen people to make them His sons. Christ’s redemption is to bring us into the sonship of God that we may enjoy the divine life. It is not God’s economy to make us keepers of law, obeying the commandments and ordinances of the law, which was given only for a temporary purpose. God’s economy is to make us sons of God, inheriting the blessing of God’s promise, which was given for His eternal purpose. His eternal purpose is to have many sons for His corporate expression (Rom. 8:29). Hence, He predestinated us unto sonship (Eph. 1:5) and regenerated us to be His sons (John 1:12-13).