2024-05-28 周二 顺从信仰








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The Obedience of the Faith – Rom 1:5

Received by the Called Ones

The gospel of God is received by the called ones (Rom. 1:6-7). The gospel is received by the called ones and the believing ones. To be called is to be called out; to believe is to believe into. Romans gives us the example of Abraham. Abraham was called by God out of the created race. The created race had fallen into many things other than God and had become hopeless as far as God was concerned. God gave up that race, calling out of it a man named Abraham. We have been called out of everything other than God: out of good things and out of bad things, out of everything that is not God Himself.

After we were called, we believed. To believe means to believe into. To believe Jesus does not simply mean to believe that there is a Jesus. To believe Jesus means to believe into Jesus. On the negative side, believing means to terminate all that we are, all that we have, and all that we can do. On the positive side, it means to take God as our everything, to put ourselves into God, trusting in what He has done for us, in what He can do for us, and what He will do for us.

The Obedience of the Faith

The called ones receive the gospel of God through the obedience of faith (Rom. 1:5). What is this? Under the law of Moses, God gave people ten commandments to obey. That kind of obedience was the obedience of the law, the obedience of the commandment. In this age of grace, God has given us one, unique commandment – to believe in Jesus. God does not require us to keep any commandment other than this. Regardless of who we are, we must obey God’s commandment to believe in Jesus. Whoever believes in Christ shall be saved, and whoever will not believe in Christ has been condemned already because of his unbelief (John 3:18). When we obey God’s unique commandment, we have the obedience of faith.

Today there is one, unique commandment – believing in Jesus – and there is one, unique sin – not believing in Him. If you believe, you have the obedience of faith and you receive the gospel of God through such obedience. In the eyes of God the most obedient person is the one who believes in Jesus. The most disobedient person is the one who will not believe in Him. Nothing is more offensive to God than not believing in Jesus, and, on the contrary, nothing is more pleasing to God than believing in Him.