2024-05-23 周四 神拯救人也是为着得着家(二)









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God’s Salvation Is Also For Gaining His Household (2) – 1 King 6:1, Isa. 66:1-2

Temple Is a Type that God Dwells Among Israel

When Israel entered Canaan, God continually showed favor to them, allowing them to live in peace and contentment. At this time, their king David thought about the issue of God’s dwelling place. He said, I live in a house of cedar trees, yet the ark of God is in the tabernacle. So he decided to build a temple for God. When Solomon became the king of Israel, he did build a temple for God, where the glory of God filled the temple.

Let me repeat, that temple is still just a type. Just as God did not live in the tabernacle, he did not live in the temple either. God lived among Israel as his temple. When Israel was in normal condition before God, God lived among them, and the temple was filled with the glory of God. When Israel was desolate before God, God had no way to dwell among them and God’s glory left that temple. So that temple is just a sign, a type. The true temple is Israel.

The Dwelling Place God Desires Is Not a Material One, But Man He Has Gained

God does not live in a house of stone. God lives in Israel. Therefore, God said in Isaiah, Heaven is my throne and the earth is my footstool. Where then is a house you could build for Me? I don’t need these as my resting place. But I look after the poor and the contrite in spirit, who tremble at my word. Just as heaven is not my dwelling place, neither are the houses on the earth. What I want to take care of and what I want to live in is a group of men. Through Isaiah, He also said that although the God who lives in eternity has a high and holy place, He will live with those who have a contrite and humble spirit.

These words clearly show us that even though there is heaven and earth, they are not the dwelling place of God. The kind of dwelling place God desires to have is the man He has gained. If God did not gain man in the universe, He would be homeless. Therefore, He desires to gain a group of men so that they can be built up and become His dwelling place.