2024-05-21 周二 神的心意乃是要建造一个家








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God’s Heart Desire Is for Building up a House – Gen. 28:18-22

God’s Building Is for the Purpose of Gaining His House

When you first read the first few chapters of Genesis, you may not be able to see them clearly. But when you read the story of Jacob, you may be able to see a little bit of what God desires to build. Although Jacob was chosen by God, when he was young, he never thought about God. He only cared about his own welfare and used tricks to gain advantage from others. He was a very selfish man. But his tricks caused great trouble, thus he could no longer stay at home. When he was fleeing from his brother, he came to a place in the wilderness. Because the sun had set, he slept there in the open. He then picked up a stone and slept on it as his pillow. At this time, he was truly a drifting away homeless man. In this drifting situation, God came to him.

After that, he saw a vision in his dream. There was a ladder standing on the ground, with the top of the ladder pointing to the sky, and angels of God ascending and descending on the ladder. I believe the Holy Spirit was operating there, allowing him to understand a little bit of the meaning of this dream: God in heaven will come to the inner part of man on earth, so that heaven and earth can be connected for man and God’s cohabitation. After he woke up, he immediately did a wonderful thing: he got up early in the morning to make a pillar of the stone on which he was resting, and poured oil on it. And he said, this stone and this place is Bethel. In Hebrew, “El” means God and “Beth” means home, indicating the stone pillar that Jacob setup would one day become a temple and a home. This place is God’s home.

Just As Man Is Homeless, So Is God 

Jacob did not say this was his house, he said it was the house of God. On the surface, you see a homeless person, a drifting away one. But if you read that chapter of the Bible carefully, you may get the feeling that there is not only a homeless person here, but also a “homeless” God. Not only does this man have no home on earth, but God also has no home on earth. Now all God and man have is a stone pillar. There is no way for man to live in it, and there is no way for God to live in it either. Here we see that just as man is homeless, God is also homeless. It can be said that both of them have the same situation.

I don’t quite believe that Jacob would have been as clear as we are today at that time, but under the authority of the Holy Spirit, he mumbled some of the clearest words. He said that the pillar stone he set up would become the house of God. It’s absolutely true. God wants to gain a Bethel that is a house of God on earth. This is the first time the Bible mentions the house of God.