2024-05-13 周一 基督作众民的约(一)







在原文里,约这辞也是遗命。每一个正确的约至终都成了遗命。在立约的人死以前,这是约; 他死了以后,那约就成了遗命。用今天的话来说,遗命就是遗嘱。如果你父亲立了遗嘱,说你可得一千万元、二十栋房子、十五艘船,难道你不高兴么?我们在天上的父给了我们许多东西; 我们有一个充满千百样遗赠之物的遗嘱。我在天上的父给了我这一切遗赠,这些都成了遗命立约给了我; 那就是新约。我们手中有新约圣经,但这并不是实际。新约中千百项遗赠的实际乃是基督。没有基督,圣经就是空的,所以真正的遗命,真正的遗嘱,乃是基督。基督是我们的所有权状,这所有权状在我们的灵里,就是那包罗万有、赐生命、内住、并终极完成的灵。

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Christ As a Covenant for the People (1) – Isa. 42:6

Isaiah 42 reveals Christ as a covenant for the people and a light for the nations. Christ is a covenant, and this covenant is a testament. A covenant denotes an agreement between two parties, a contract signed by both parties. A testament is a covenant, a signed agreement, that has become a will in which certain things are passed on to the heirs. The covenant is the agreement between God and us. Through the death of Christ, the covenant became a testament, a will. Now in His resurrection Christ executes, enforces, this testament.

We can use the buying of a house to illustrate this. We may say we have bought a house, but we need the title deed as a proof of our purchase. The deed is an agreement, a covenant. The house has been covenanted to us, and the guarantee of this covenant is the title deed. Our purchase has been covenanted. It has been legalized. In a sense, we may say that the title deed, the covenant, equals the house. The title deed to the house is the covenant, and the covenant is the house.

The Reality of the New Testament Is Christ

Isaiah says twice, in 42:6 and 49:8, that God has given Christ to us as our covenant. This means that God’s salvation, God’s blessings and all of God’s riches have been covenanted to us, and this covenant is just Christ. Just as my title deed equals my house, Christ equals all of God’s salvation, blessings, grace, reality and riches. All of this has been covenanted to us. Our covenant is Christ. God’s salvation, God’s righteousness, God’s justification, God’s forgiveness, God’s redemption, God’s riches and all He has and will do have been covenanted to us.

In Greek the word for covenant is also the word for testament. Every proper covenant eventually becomes a testament. Before the person who enacted the covenant dies, it is the covenant. After he dies, that covenant becomes a testament. A testament in today’s terms is a will. What if your father had a will which said that you were entitled to ten million dollars, twenty houses, and fifteen commercial ships. Would you not be happy? Our Father in heaven has given us a lot of things. We have a will full of hundreds of bequests. My heavenly Father has given me all these bequests, and they have been covenanted to me as a testament. That is the new testament. We have the New Testament of the Bible in our hands, but this is not the reality. The reality of all the hundreds of bequests in the New Testament is Christ. Without Christ, the Bible is empty, so the real testament, the real will, is Christ. Christ is our title deed, and this title deed is in our spirit as the all-inclusive, life-giving, indwelling, consummated Spirit.