2024-05-11 周六 新天新地(新耶路撒冷)









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New Heaven and New Earth (the New Jerusalem) – Rev. 21:1-2

The New Jerusalem Is the Living Organism of All God’s Redeemed Saints Throughout the Ages

She is the bride of Christ, as His spouse (John 3:29); she is also the holy city of God, as God’s dwelling place. This is the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22), which God has prepared for us, and which Abraham, Isaac and Jacob desired (Heb. 11:10, 16).

The New Jerusalem Will Come Down from Heaven to the Earth

Revelation 21:2 and 10 both say that the New Jerusalem “comes down out of heaven from God.” God’s heart desire is not to have an eternal dwelling place in heaven; He longs to live on earth. Religious people dream of going to heaven, but God longs to come to earth. Even today, God’s best dwelling place is not heaven, but the church on earth. Today God has two dwelling places – the heavens and the church. God lives in heaven with His angels, and He also lives on earth with His children. If you are a father, would you rather be with the angels, your servants, or with your children?

The Bride of Christ

Revelation 21:2 says that the New Jerusalem is “prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” In verse 9, an angel said, “I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” In both the Old and New Testaments, God likens His chosen people to His wife (Isa。 54:6, Jer. 3:1, Ezek. 16:8, Hos. 2:19, 2 Cor. 11:2, Eph. 5:31-32). A wife satisfies God in love. The New Jerusalem, the bride of Christ, comes from her “husband” Christ and becomes His wife, just as Eve came from her husband Adam and became Adam’s spouse (Gen. 2:21-24). She is prepared by participating in the riches of Christ’s life and nature.

Revelation 21:9 talks about the bride and the wife. The bride is mainly for the day of marriage, but the wife is for a lifetime. The New Jerusalem will be the bride in the Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years as one day (2 Pet. 3:8); she will be the wife in the New Heaven and New Earth forever and ever without an end. The bride in the age of the kingdom only includes the overcomers (Rev. 3:12; 19:7-9), but the wife in eternity includes all those who have been redeemed by God (Rev. 21:9). Since the New Jerusalem is the bride, we should not regard her as a material city.