2024-05-01 周三 耶和华受膏者预言的应验(一)



关于基督作耶和华之受膏者的豫言,在基督第一次来临时得了豫尝的应验。在旧约里,我们无法看见基督的两次来临。它只给我们看见,基督要有一次来临。基督的两次来临可比作一座山脉的两个山峰; 从远处看可能只像一个峰,但当你靠近时,就能看见两个峰。




当我们今天从新约亮光的观点,来看以赛亚四十至六十六章,我们就能看见这里有两次来临。比方说,以赛亚四十章说到耶和华的荣耀显现,以及主耶和华带着大能临到。这是指耶稣的显现。那个显现当然不是祂第二次的来临; 而是施浸者约翰所引进祂第一次的来临(赛四十3-5,路三4-6)。以赛亚五十三章告诉我们,主来到如嫩芽,像根出于干地,又如常经忧患的人。这当然是指祂第一次的来。今天我们认识这点,但古时候他们没有这种思想。他们只知道弥赛亚会来。对他们来说,只有一次来临。但实际上弥赛亚,耶和华的受膏者,要两次来临。第一次是为着恩典的时代,第二次是为着复兴的时候。

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The Fulfillment of the Prophecy of the Anointed of Jehovah (1) — Luke 4:17-19

This prophecy concerning Christ as the Anointed of Jehovah had a foretaste fulfillment at Christ’s first coming. In the Old Testament, we cannot see the two comings of Christ. It shows us only that Christ will have one coming. The two comings of Christ can be likened to two peaks of a mountain range. They may only look like one peak from a distance, but when you come near them, you can see that there are two peaks.

The Lord’s First Coming Mentioned in Luke 4

Luke 4 speaks of the Lord entering into a synagogue on the Sabbath day. The scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to Him, and He read the first few verses of Isaiah 61. Then the Lord rolled up the scroll, gave it back to the attendant, sat down, and said, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing”. All of them marveled at the words of grace proceeding out of His mouth. Luke 4 gives us a record of the first “peak” of the prophecy in Isaiah 61:1-3. But in Isaiah 61 itself we can see only one peak, not two peaks. The final twenty-seven chapters of Isaiah, from Isaiah 40 through 66, speak about Christ’s coming. Isaiah told us that the Lord’s coming will bring in the time of restoration, the restoration of Israel.

The Two Comings of the Anointed of Jehovah

When we come to Isaiah 40 – 66 today, in the view of the New Testament light, we can see two comings here. For instance, Isaiah 40 speaks of the glory of Jehovah being revealed and of the Lord Jehovah coming with might. This refers to Jesus’ appearing. That appearing surely is not His second coming. It was His first coming ushered in by John the Baptist (Isa. 40:3-5; Luke 3:4-6). Isaiah 53 tells us that the Lord comes as a tender plant, as a root out of dry ground, and as a man of sorrows. This surely refers to His first coming. Today we know this, but in ancient times they did not have this thought. They only knew that the Messiah would come. To them there was only one coming. But actually Messiah, the Anointed One of Jehovah, will come two times. The first time is for the age of grace, and the second time will be for the age of restoration.