2024-04-30 周二 耶和华受膏者的职事(二)









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The Ministry of the Anointed of Jehovah (2) – Isa. 61:1-2

The Lord Second Coming Is the Ministry of Vengeance

The Anointed will also proclaim “the day of vengeance of our God.” This refers to the Lord’s second coming, for in His first coming He did not carry out vengeance. In His second coming He will avenge Israel, proclaiming the vengeance of God.

The first part of Isaiah 61:1-3 refers to the Lord’s ministry in His first coming (Isa. 61:1-2a), and the second part refers to the restoration of Israel in His second coming (Isa. 61:2b-3). Hence, this portion of the Word implies both Christ’s first coming and His second coming. In Isaiah’s prophecy the Lord’s two comings are like two mountain peaks which, when viewed from a distance, seem to be one peak. For this reason, Isaiah put Christ’s first coming and second coming together.

The Lord’s Two Comings Bring in the Restoration of Israel

The Lord’s first coming has much to do with His second coming. Without the foundation laid in His first coming, there would be no way for His second coming to take place. Based upon what He did in His first coming, Christ’s second coming will issue in the restoration of Israel.

In His first coming, the Lord Jesus gained His early disciples, such as Peter, John, and James, from the Jews. They became His believers, but this does not mean that they have given up their Jewish status, for in the millennial kingdom the first twelve apostles will sit on thrones as rulers to judge the twelve tribes of Israel (Matt. 19:28). In the restoration, when the Lord returns in His second coming, He will first receive the throne of David His father (Luke 1:32), and then He will be the Ruler of the nations (Rom. 15:12). His twelve apostles will be His helpers to rule over the nation of Israel. From this we can see the relationship between what Christ did in His first coming and what He will do in His second coming.

In God’s eyes the Lord’s two comings are two aspects which show one unique coming of Christ. In a sense, Christ’s coming to earth has not yet been completed. He began to come to mankind two thousand years ago. Since His unique coming has not been finished, it will continue with the second aspect of His coming. When the second aspect of His coming is accomplished, His entire coming from God to mankind will be consummated. Today His coming is not finished, because He is still on the way. Therefore, the unique coming of Christ is of two sections. The first section took place two thousand years ago, and the second section will be accomplished in the future.