2024-04-29 周一 耶和华受膏者的职事(一)









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The Ministry of the Anointed of Jehovah (1) – Isa. 61:1-2

Christ, the Anointed of Jehovah

As the Servant of Jehovah, Christ is the Anointed of Jehovah. Christ is the equivalent of the Hebrew word Messiah, which means “the anointed.” The ministry of the anointed Jehovah described in Isaiah 61:1-3 will issue in the restoration of Israel, His elect people.

Christ’s coming is of two parts and at two times. In His first coming, Christ came to minister, to dispense Himself into His followers. In this way He carried out the New Testament ministry to dispense the Triune God into the disciples under His ministry, most of whom were Jews. This ministry in Christ’s first coming laid a solid foundation for His second coming. When He comes the second time, He will come mainly in an outward way to rescue Israel from their circumstances and to bring in their restoration. This restoration will be expanded to include all things created by God. This period of restoration will last for a millennium, for the thousand-year kingdom.

The Lord’s First Coming Is the Ministry of Grace

Isaiah 61:1 says, “The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon Me, / Because Jehovah has anointed Me / To bring good news to the afflicted; / He has sent Me to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, / To proclaim liberty to the captives, / And the opening of the eyes to those who are bound.” As Luke 4:16-21 indicates, this refers to Christ in His first coming. The Lord’s ministry in His first coming was one of grace.

When the Lord came the first time, He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and constituted with the essence of the Holy Spirit added to His humanity to be a God-man. He then lived thirty years as a man in that essence of the Spirit. At the age of thirty He came forth to carry out His ministry. At that time He was baptized in water, and immediately the Holy Spirit descended upon Him economically (Luke 3:21-22). Prior to that time, He was already constituted with the Spirit essentially, but in order to carry out God’s economy, He needed the Spirit economically to empower Him and authorize Him to be the Servant of God to minister God into His chosen people. This is the significance of the words, “The Spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon Me.”

As the Servant of Jehovah, Christ brought good news to the afflicted, bound up the wounds of the brokenhearted, proclaimed liberty to the captives, opened the eyes of the blind (physically and spiritually), and proclaimed the acceptable year of Jehovah (Isa. 61:2a), which is the year of jubilee. Thus, He brought in the real jubilee.