2024-04-22 周一 耶和华的仆人-启示于新约的经纶里





从祂出来在这地上尽职那天起,主耶稣就行事智慧,并且在耶和华所喜悦的事上亨通。首先,父的喜悦乃是要子上十字架,为祂所拣选的人受死。主耶稣在客西马尼园祷告: “父阿,若是可能,就叫这杯离开我; 然而不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。”(太二六39)。之后,当祂被捉时,祂告诉门徒说,“我父所给我的那杯,我岂可不喝?”(约十八11)。因着主耶稣在神所喜悦的事上亨通,所以父神能说,“这是我的爱子,我所喜悦的。”(太三17)。




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Christ as the Servant of Jehovah Revealed in the New Testament Economy – Isa. 52:13

Isaiah 52:12 to 53:12 reveals Christ as the Servant of Jehovah not in the Old Testament economy but in the New Testament economy. The Christ who is revealed in these verses is not great or powerful. Isaiah 53:2 says that He grew up like a tender plant and like a root out of dry ground. However, according to Isaiah’s poetic writing in verse 14, many were astonished at Christ because His appearance and His form were marred. They were astonished because they did not expect a servant of God to be a marred one, a disfigured one, as Christ was.

Acting Wisely and Prospering in the Pleasure of Jehovah

From the day that He came out to minister on this earth, the Lord Jesus acted wisely and prospered in God’s pleasure. First, the Father’s pleasure was that the Son would go to the cross and die for His chosen people. In Gethsemane the Lord Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; yet not as I will, but as You will” (Matt. 26:39). Later, as He was being arrested, He told His disciples, “The cup which the Father has given Me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18:11). Because the Lord Jesus prospered in God’s pleasure, God the Father could say, “This is My Son, the Beloved, in whom I have found My delight” (Matt. 3:17).

Christ entered into death and then rose up from death to enter into resurrection. Through this, God the Father begot many sons. This too is the Father’s pleasure, and it is also Christ’s prosperity in His resurrection. Christ’s resurrection was not only a matter of His rising out of death. In Christ’s resurrection millions of God’s chosen people were born. Although we were not yet born, we all were regenerated two thousand years ago, when Christ resurrected. This is the wisdom by which Christ as the Servant of Jehovah acted wisely. Christ acted wisely not according to the Old Testament economy but according to the New Testament economy. From the first day of His ministry until the day of His resurrection, the Lord Jesus did nothing according to the Old Testament economy. Rather, He did everything according to the New Testament economy.

Surprising Many Nations, Kings Shutting Their Mouths Because of Him

Many were astonished at Him because His visage was marred, or disfigured, and His form also was marred. In your thought, in your imagination, what kind of Jesus do you have? In Christianity there is a so-called picture of Jesus, portraying Him as a very handsome man. However, we might be astonished to see that instead of being handsome, the Lord was disfigured. Jesus will surprise many nations because what He is, is altogether different from what they imagined. Many will be shocked, and the kings will shut their mouths because of Him.