2024-04-17 周三 耶和华所扶持和拣选的




一节里“公理”一辞很有意义; 这是个包罗很广的辞,有判断、审判的意思。有主,就有公理; 没有主,就没有公理。有主,一切都是公正的。基督必须是我们日常生活中一切事物的公理(判断)。



压伤的芦苇,祂不折断; 将残的火把,祂不吹灭

以赛亚四十二章三至四节接着说,“压伤的芦苇,祂不折断; 将残的火把,祂不吹灭……”基督不仅不使街上听见祂的声音; 祂也不折断压伤的芦苇,不吹灭将残的火把。这指明祂满了怜悯。

犹太人习惯用芦苇作笛子。当芦苇压伤了,不能再作乐器时,他们就折断。他们也用麻燃油作火把。油用尽了,麻冒烟,他们就吹灭。主的百姓有些就像压伤的芦苇,不能吹出乐音; 有些就像冒烟的火把,不能发出亮光。然而,主耶稣不“折断”那些受压伤、不能发出乐音的人,也不“吹灭”那些像将灭之麻、不能发光的人。

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Held By His Hand and His Chosen One – Isa. 42:1-3

Jehovah’s Upholds, His Chosen One in whom Jehovah’s Soul Delights

Isaiah 42:1 says “For Jehovah’s Spirit to be upon His Servant” means that His Spirit and His Servant are one. Christ was called by Jehovah, then was held by his hand and kept by Him. This Christ has been called to be a covenant for the people (49:8b). Christ has also been called to be a light for the nations (Isa. 49:6b), to open the eyes of the blind (Isa. 42:7a), and to bring the prisoner out of prison and those who dwell in darkness from the prison house (Isa. 42:7b). 

The word judgment in 42:1 is significant; it is an inclusive term. If we have the Lord, we have judgment. Without the Lord, we do not have any judgment. When we have the Lord, everything is judged. Christ must be the judgment for everything in our daily life. 

Not Crying Out, Nor Lifting Up His Voice

Isaiah 42:2 says, “He will not cry out, nor lift up His voice, / Nor make His voice heard in the street.” This verse is quoted in Matthew 12:19, where it is applied to the Lord Jesus in His ministry on earth. In His ministry the Lord did not strive with others, and He did not promote Himself. He did not seek to make Himself known to people on the streets. In a sense He was very hidden. When the Lord Jesus was living on earth, He never made Himself great. Rather, He always kept Himself small. This is what it means to say that He did not cry out, lift up His voice, or make His voice heard in the street.

A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break and a Dimly Burning Wick He Will Not Extinguish

Isaiah 42:3 and 4 go on to say, “A bruised reed He will not break; / And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish…” Not only did Christ make no noise in the street; He did not break a bruised reed nor quench a smoking flax. This indicates that He was full of mercy.

The Jews often made flutes of reeds. When a reed was bruised and no longer useful as a musical instrument, they broke it. They also made torches of flax to burn with oil. When the oil ran out, the flax smoked, and they quenched it. Some of the Lord’s people are like a bruised reed that cannot give a musical sound; others are like smoking flax that cannot give a shining light. Yet the Lord Jesus will not “break” the bruised ones who cannot give a musical sound, nor “quench” the ones like dimly burning flax that cannot give a shining light.