2024-04-16 周二 波斯王古列豫表基督





神爱以色列,爱祂的国(由圣城所表征),并爱祂的家(由殿所表征)。古列顾到这三者。巴比伦王尼布甲尼撒,向神作了丑恶的事: 第一,他将神的子民掳去; 第二,他将圣殿烧毁; 第三,他将圣城毁坏。神心中,神心愿的这三样宝贝,都被尼布甲尼撒损毁了。因此,在整本圣经中,神恨恶巴比伦。




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Persian King Cyrus Signifying Christ – Isa. 41:25

Cyrus Typifying Christ Being Jehovah’s Servant for the Fulfilling of His Desire

Cyrus was raised up by Jehovah (Isa. 41:2a, 25a; 45:13a), anointed by Jehovah (Isa. 45:1a) and loved by Jehovah (48:14b). He did God’s pleasure on Babylon, symbolizing the Roman Catholic Church in Revelation 17. He was God’s counselor (Isa. 46:11b) to subdue the nations and have dominion over the kings (Isa. 41:2b, 25c; 45:1b). He was also Jehovah’s shepherd for the fulfilling of His desire in building up the city (symbolizing the kingdom) and the temple of God and in releasing God’s captives (Isa. 44:28; 45:13b). In all of the above aspects, Cyrus was a type of Christ as the Servant of Jehovah.

Cyrus Signifying Christ for Three Treasures in God’s Heart Desire: God’s People, Temple and Holy City

God loves Israel, loves His kingdom signified by the city, and loves His house signified by the temple. Cyrus took care of these three things. However, Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, did something ugly to God. First, he captured God’s people. Second, he burned the temple. Third, he destroyed the city. These three treasures which are in God’s heart, His desire, were devastated by Nebuchadnezzar. Thus, throughout the entire Bible, God hates Babylon.

Cyrus came in to release the captives of Israel. He did not want any compensation from them for this release (Isa. 45:13). He supported them and provided a way for them to go back to their fathers’ land. That was God’s first desire. Then he charged them to go back to build up the temple of their God. That was God’s second desire. He also charged them to build the city, which was God’s third desire. God loved Cyrus because he did the things on His heart. What he did touched God’s heart.

We Are Today’s Cyrus for Three Treasures in God’s Heart Desire

We need to be today’s Cyrus and need to be those who are going out to get sinners, that is to release God’s people. In eternity past God chose millions of people, but they all were captured by Satan, typified by that evil Nebuchadnezzar. In Isaiah 14, Isaiah combines Satan with Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon. All the sinners are Satan’s captives. Every time we bring a sinner to salvation, he gets released from Satan’s captivity. Our gospel preaching is to release the captives. Then we build up the church, God’s house and household, with the released sinners saved through our preaching. We also establish the kingdom of God. All the sinners saved through our preaching will be members of the house of God and of the kingdom of God.