2024-04-15 周一 基督是耶和华的仆人





以赛亚书第二段的头一章是第四十章,启示基督是耶和华救主。这一章所说到的,乃是主耶和华的启示。启示就是显出。当一个人隐藏、躲藏、遮藏起来时,我们就看不见他。当他的遮盖除去了,他就向我们启示出来; 这就是说,祂显明出来了。启示就是显出。四十章说到主耶和华的启示,就是主耶稣基督的显出。以赛亚在这一章宣告说,“看哪,你们的神!”主耶和华的启示就是神的出现; 而这位主耶和华,就是神自己,乃是主耶稣基督。耶和华,主神,显为主耶稣基督,救主。


从四十一至六十六章,基督被启示为耶和华的仆人。四十一至五十章,这十章圣经里说到四个神的仆人-外邦王古列(居鲁士),神所拣选的团体人以色列,神美妙的先知以赛亚,以及基督。我们需要从以赛亚书中的豫表,看见包罗万有之基督的启示。在以赛亚书里,神有四个仆人: 古列、以色列、以赛亚、和那要来的弥赛亚-耶稣基督。他们作了甚么?他们建了一座城,就是神的国。城象征国。他们也建了殿,殿象征神的家,连同神的子民作神的家人。以色列是神的子民,而以赛亚和基督都是以色列的一部分。他们都是犹太人。

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Christ As Jehovah’s Servant – Isa. 41:2

Two Sections of Isaiah Corresponding to the Old and New Testaments

Isaiah was a wonderful and poetic writer. The first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah symbolize all the significances in the contents of the Old Testament, which is composed of thirty-nine books. The thirty-nine books of the Old Testament may be considered as the element, and the first thirty-nine chapters of Isaiah are the essence extracted from this element. The last twenty-seven chapters of Isaiah are the second section of this book, and they correspond to the twenty-seven books of the New Testament. This section of twenty-seven chapters can be considered as the essence of the New Testament, the extract of the real significance of the New Testament. This extract is concerning one person. Today we call Him the Lord Jesus Christ, which equals the Lord Jehovah in the Old Testament. The Lord Jehovah is the Old Testament Lord Jesus Christ, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the New Testament Lord Jehovah.

Christ Is Jehovah Savior

The first chapter of the second section of Isaiah is chapter forty, where Christ is revealed as Jehovah the Savior. In this chapter what is covered is the revealing of the Lord Jehovah. Revealing means manifesting. When a person is hidden, concealed and covered, we cannot see him. When his covering is removed, he is revealed to us. This means He is manifested. The revealing is the manifestation. Chapter forty covers the revealing of the Lord Jehovah, which is the manifestation of the Lord Jesus Christ. In this chapter Isaiah declares, “Here is your God!”. The revealing of the Lord Jehovah is the appearing of the very God, and this Lord Jehovah, the very God, is the Lord Jesus Christ. Jehovah, the Lord God, appears as the Lord Jesus Christ, the Savior.

Christ Being the Jehovah’s Servant for God’s Kingdom and God’s House

From chapters forty-one through sixty-six, Christ is revealed as the Servant of Jehovah. In these ten chapters (chapters forty-one through fifty) there are four servants of God – Cyrus, the Gentile king; Israel, God’s chosen corporate people; Isaiah, God’s wonderful prophet; and Christ. We need to see the revelation of the all-inclusive Christ from the types in the book of Isaiah. In Isaiah, God has four servants: Cyrus, Israel, Isaiah and Jesus Christ, the coming Messiah. What did they do? They built up a city, that is, the kingdom of God. The city is a symbol of the kingdom. They also built up the temple, and the temple is a symbol of God’s house with God’s people as God’s household. Israel was God’s people, and Isaiah and Christ were both a part of Israel. They were both Jewish.