2024-04-12 周五 耶稣是至圣者、永远的神耶和华








我们必须传基督到一个地步,使人认识他们只是虚空、虚无。他们越看见自己是虚无、无有、虚空,就越珍赏基督,并被基督充满; 他们就会宝贝基督。大数的扫罗就是这样。至终,他看见一切都是粪土,惟有基督是超越的一位。他甚至以认识基督为至宝(腓三8)。一个任职高位的弟兄若宝贝这地位,他就无法那么享受基督。我们必须看万事如粪土,使我们能赢得基督并享受基督。这是好信息的第四面。

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Jesus the Holy One, the Eternal God, Jehovah — Isa.40:22

The Holy One, The Eternal God, Jehovah, The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth

After this kind of shepherding, the flock, the sheep, will know Jesus as the Holy One, the eternal God, Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth, sitting above the circle of the earth (Isa. 40:22, 25-26, 28a). As we feed a new believer whom we have brought to the Lord, he will be helped by us to know Jesus more. He will be helped to know Jesus as the eternal God, Jehovah, the Creator of the ends of the earth.

Isaiah 40 Reveals the Steps of the God-ordained Way

We have to get people saved and feed them. Then they will begin to know that their Savior, Jesus, is the Holy One, the eternal God, Jehovah, and the Creator of the heavens and the earth. When we go to visit the new believers, we should speak to them about Jesus in these aspects. Then they will be fed. They will realize that Jesus is wonderful. Can Socrates, Confucius or Buddha be compared with Him? There is no comparison between Him and anyone or anything else. As the Holy One, Jesus is unlimited, unsearchable, incomparable and high (Isa. 40:12-14, 17-18, 28b, 22a).

I Am Nothing, But Christ Is Everything

Isaiah 40:15 and 17 say that all peoples are like a drop of water from a bucket, like specks of dust on the scales, and are nothing, even less than nothing, just vanity – emptiness. Perhaps you will bring a college professor to the Lord and then begin to feed him. A college professor may consider that he is a very important person with much prestige. As you feed him, however, he will come to know that he is like a drop of water from a bucket or a speck of dust on the heavenly scale. Eventually, he will realize that he is nothing and that Christ is everything. He will realize that apart from Christ, he is even less than nothing, vanity, emptiness. This will be the result of your visiting him to feed him again and again.

We have to preach Christ to such an extent, causing people to know that they are just vanity, emptiness. The more they realize that they are nothing, empty and vanity, the more they will appreciate Christ and be filled up with Christ. They will treasure Christ. Saul of Tarsus was like this. Eventually, he realized that all things were dung and that only Christ is the excellent One. He even considered the knowledge of Christ to be excellent (Phil. 3:8). If a brother with a high position treasures this position, he will not be able to enjoy Christ that much. We have to count all things dung that we may gain Christ and enjoy Christ. This is the fourth aspect of the glad tidings.