2024-04-06 周六 基督是房角的头块石头

经文:所以主耶和华如此说,看哪,我在锡安放一块石头,作为根基,是试验过的石头,是稳固的根基,宝贵的房角石; 信靠的人必不着急。(赛二八16,另译)








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Christ As the Head of the Cornerstone — Isa. 28:16

This stone is a foundation firmly established for God’s building in Israel. We can enjoy Christ as such a firmly established foundation today.  As Christians, we have Christ as a crown upon our heads and as a rock under our feet. This rock is firmly established for God’s building among his people. Christ is a tested stone which has been tried and which is trustworthy. Christ as a stone was tested during the thirty-three and a half years of his human life. He is perfect, complete, solid and strong.

He Who Believes Will Not Hasten Away

He who believes in this tried and trustworthy stone “will not hasten away.” The King James Version renders this portion as “shall not make haste.” Darby says in a note that this can be translated as “shall not hasten with fear”. Christ is a trustworthy stone, and we believe in him. Whatever happens to us, we do not need to be in haste or in panic. We can be at peace. The worldly people, even including Christians who do not trust the Lord so much, are always in haste, in panic, whenever something happens to them.

Christ as the Precious Cornerstone

Whereas the foundation stone holds the entire building, the cornerstone joins two parts of the building. The New Testament tells us, based upon Psalm 118:22-24, that Christ is the chief cornerstone (Acts 4:11-12; Eph. 2:20). According to the New Testament, Christ as the cornerstone joins together the two walls, one of the Jewish believers and the other of the gentile believers. Because Christ took the lead to join together the Jews and the gentiles, He is the first cornerstone. Even today we are not only held by him as our foundation stone but also joined together by him as our cornerstone. I am joined to you, and you are joined to me. We are joined together by Christ. Without him, we are separate and detached. Today’s Christianity is lacking in the experience of Christ as the joining cornerstone. We need to experience Christ as the tested, trustworthy stone to be the firmly established foundation holding us and the cornerstone joining us together. This issues in God’s building, the Body of Christ.

The Lord Jesus’ word to the Jewish leaders in Matthew 21:42 indicates that they were the builders, but they did not have the discernment to see that they were rejecting the cornerstone of God’s building, Christ. The Lord Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22-23 by saying that the stone which the builders rejected was made the cornerstone by God. Peter quoted the Lord’s word in Acts 4:11-12. In verse 11 he mentioned Christ as the cornerstone, and in verse 12 he indicated that today this cornerstone is our Savior.