2024-04-05 周五 基督顶替一切








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Christ Replacing Everything – Isa. 22:25

This verse is referring not to Eliakim (Christ) but to Shebna who was replaced by Eliakim. In his judgment God discharged, or “fired,” everyone and everything, including the kings of the nations, Shebna the steward, and all the bowls and jars in God’s house and replaced them all with Christ. God discharged everyone on the cross, and he is replacing everyone with Christ. Because Christ joined himself to us, uniting himself with us, when he died on the cross, we died with him and were terminated.

Now, in our organic union with Christ through our faith in him, he replaces us by living in us, with us, by us and through us. Furthermore, God has replaced everything in his Old Testament economy with Christ. Thus, the all-inclusive Christ as Immanuel replaces everything and becomes everything in God’s economy.

Eliaskim Replacing Shebnas Signifying Christ Replacing Everything

There is a hymn concerning the experience of Christ versus all things. It speaks of the things that replace Christ, such as the law of letters, philosophy and religion. All these things are really “Shebnas” which replace Christ. According to Isaiah 22, Shebna was “fired” and replaced by Eliakim as the steward over the king’s house.

Darby said that Shebna typifies a false Christ. He should be removed and replaced by Christ. Christ should not be replaced by us. Instead, we should be replaced by Christ. All of us are “Shebnas” who should be removed and replaced by the real Eliakim. Christ, our Eliakim, should replace everything and everyone in God’s economy. We should not allow anything or anyone, including ourselves, to replace Christ.