2024-04-04 周四 基督身上挂着父家一切荣耀




“儿女带子孙”与“一切最小的器皿,从杯子到瓶罐”是同位语。荣耀是指神的儿女,而神的儿女乃是器皿。今天我们在神的家中,一面说,我们是神的儿女; 另一面说,我们是器皿。“杯子”的原文也可以翻作“碗”,“瓶罐”的原文是指大肚瓶或水罐。有些神的儿女比较小,好像杯子; 有些比较大,好像瓶罐、大肚瓶或水罐。无论我们是小杯或大肚瓶,我们都是器皿。





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Christ Hangs All the Glory of His Father’s House — Isa. 22:24

Christ is the One upon whom hangs all the glory of his Father’s house – the Father’s offspring and issue (descendants), like all the smallest vessels, from the bowls to all the jars. Glory refers to God’s descendants, all of God’s people. Children are the parents’ glory. As the children of God, we are his offspring and issue. Offspring implies the second generation, and issue implies the later generations. Some reference books indicate that offspring is the word for shoot and issue is the word for growth. As the children of God, we are God’s shooting out and also God’s growth. The children of God as the offspring and the issue are glory in the house of God. In Isaiah 22:24 “the glory” is in apposition with “the offspring and the issue”. Hence, they refer to the same thing.

“The offspring and the issue” is in apposition with “all the smallest vessels, from the bowls to all the jars.” The glory refers to the children of God, and the children of God are the vessels. Today in God’s house, on the one hand, we are God’s children, and on the other hand, we are the vessels. The Hebrew word for bowls may also be translated cups, and the Hebrew word for jars refers to large, bulging bottles or pitchers. Some of the children of God are smaller, like cups, and others are bigger, like jars, bulging bottles or pitchers. Whether we are small cups or bulging bottles, we are all vessels.

Vessels Should Contain Divine Water (Spirit) and Wine (Life)

Cups, or bowls, are small vessels to contain water, and bulging bottles, pitchers or jars are big vessels to contain wine. Water typifies the Spirit of Christ, and wine typifies the divine life. This signifies that in the house of God all his children are vessels to contain his Spirit as water to quench people’s thirst and his life as wine to cheer people unto rejoicing. When we were saved, we received Christ as the living water. Then that water became wine to us. Every one of us should be filled with the divine water and the divine wine.

At times we are too silent in the meetings because we are not filled with the divine life. We should be “drunk” with the divine wine, the life of God. We need to be the bulging bottles full of God’s life as the new wine. Furthermore, some of us are too depressed. When we are filled with the new wine, we will be happy and excited. If we feel that we are dead, we need to drink the living water and drink the new wine. The living water will quench our thirst, and the new wine will cheer us unto rejoicing.