2024-04-03 周三 基督像钉子钉在坚固处









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Christ As a Peg Into a Sure Place – Isa. 22:23

Christ is the One whom God drives as a peg, or nail, into a sure place (Isa. 22:23a). In typology, the sure place typifies the third heaven (cf. 2 Cor. 12:2b). Christ was raised up from the dead, and he was exalted to the third heaven where God is. Actually, to be exalted to the third heaven is to be exalted to God the Father because the Father is in the third heaven.

In Luke 15:18 the Lord Jesus relates the story of the prodigal son saying, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you.” Against heaven equals before you (God the Father). Sinning against heaven is sinning before God because God the Father is in heaven (Matt. 6:9). Heaven, referring to the heavens, is the sure place where God the Father is.

Without the book of Isaiah, we would not know that when God exalted Christ, God drove him as a peg into the place where he is, the heavens. Christ today is in the heavens as a peg driven into God. He is the peg upon which all of us hang.

Christ Is the Throne of Glory for His Father’s House

Christ as a peg will become a throne of glory for his Father’s house (Isa. 22:23b). In Hebrew the word for glory here means both honor and glory. Christ is a throne of honor, a throne of glory. According to Isaiah 22:24 the glory is the children of God as the offspring and issue of God, and these children of God are the vessels of Christ, hanging upon him as the peg.

Christ being a throne of glory for his Father’s house is the issue of his people, who are vessels, hanging upon him as the peg in order to contain him and minister him to others. These people, the children of God, are the glory of Christ. With the glory there is a throne, and this throne is actually Christ himself. The throne signifies the administrative authority and the kingdom. Christ in his administrative authority is the throne governing everything within the house of God.