2024-03-30 周六 基督是神家中的管家



我们可以说,新约有关基督的一切,都已经在旧约里题过。原则上这是对的,但我们也需要知道,旧约中有许多细节,是在新约中找不到的。新约没有告诉我们基督是钉子; 也没有一节新约经文直接的告诉我们,基督是宝座。新约圣经告诉我们基督是奴仆,神的仆人,但没有直接告诉我们基督是管家。新约圣经说,我们信徒乃是管家(彼前四10),但没有用“管家”一辞说到基督。仆人不一定是管家,但管家必定是仆人。

在古时,一个大家庭必定有管家,把家中的丰富分授给家中所有的人。创世记记载约瑟是法老王家中这样一位管家,分配王家的丰富。以赛亚二十二章说到舍伯那是管理王家(王室)的家宰。一切宝物都在王的屋中,而这屋的钥匙是在他的手中。最终他被以利亚敬所取代; 以利亚敬豫表基督是神家中的管家。新约没有说到这么多关于基督的细节。我们需要看见包罗万有的基督是何等的丰富: 祂不仅是管家和父,是握有钥匙者和钉子,祂也是荣耀的宝座,并且是身上挂着祂父家中一切荣耀的那一位。




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Christ as the Steward in the House of God — Isa. 22:20-21

We may say that whatever is in the New Testament concerning Christ was already referred to in the Old Testament. In principle, this is true. But we also need to realize that there are many details in the Old Testament that cannot be found in the New Testament. The New Testament does not tell us that Christ is a peg, a nail, and no New Testament verse tells us directly that Christ is the throne. The New Testament tells us that Christ is a slave, a servant of God, but it does not tell us directly that Christ is a steward. The New Testament says that we believers are stewards (1 Pet. 4:10), but it does not use the word steward in reference to Christ. A servant may not be a steward, but a steward is surely a servant.

In ancient times, a large family would have a steward to dispense the riches of the household to all of its members. The book of Genesis records that Joseph was such a steward of Pharaoh’s house to distribute the riches of this house. Isaiah 22 speaks of Shebna as the steward over the king’s house, the royal household, the royal family. All the treasures were in the king’s house, and the key to this house was in his hand. Eventually, he was replaced by Eliakim, a type of Christ as the Steward in the house of God. The New Testament does not relate so many details concerning Christ. We need to see how rich the all-inclusive Christ is. He is not only the Steward and the Father but also the Key-holder and the peg. He is also a throne of glory and the One upon whom hangs all the glory of his Father’s house.

The Administrative Authority Is Put in His Hand

Eliakim typifies Christ as the Steward in God’s house (Isa. 22:15, 21a). Christ is the real steward of God’s house, the divine household. God’s household is the greatest house in the universe, including all the believers throughout the ages. In this vast divine household, Christ is the unique Steward. He takes care of God’s household in every way to serve us.

His service is a kind of governing, or ruling. In his service there is the dominion, the administrative authority. When we are served by Christ, we are under his government. He governs us and rules over us, taking care of us. The more he takes care of us, the more we are under his authority, his administration. When I was initially saved, I did not consider Christ’s ruling over me in his divine government. But the more I went on with the Lord and enjoyed him, the more I was caught by him. The more I enjoyed him, the more I became governed by him.