2024-03-22 周五 耶西的本必发嫩芽、根必生枝子(三)



我们必须看见,大卫家的复兴仍然在进行着。按照我们的想法,基督有两次的来临; 但按照神的看法,祂只差遣祂的儿子一次而已。这个差遣是从伯利恒开始。当耶稣出生时,那乃是神差祂儿子到地上的开始。这个差遣还没有完全的完成,仍然在进行之中。这个差遣开始于耶稣出生时,完成于人子公开的来临到地上。马太二十四章二十七节说,“闪电怎样从东边发出,直照到西边,人子来临也要这样。”那才是神差遣祂儿子的完成。神的儿子受差遣,要持续二千多年之久。



主在祂出生时来临,然后祂去十字架上受死。门徒以为祂要离开他们; 但主启示他们,这不是祂的去,乃是祂的来(约十四3,17-20,二十19-22)。主藉着死与复活的去,事实上乃是祂成为灵来到门徒那里,好进到他们里面,并住在他们里面。祂也在五旬节那日作为灵来临,将祂的身体浸入一位灵里。今天祂仍然在路上。祂正在来。整个世界的局势,乃是基督来临步伐的指标。在伯利恒的马槽里,祂是微小的嫩条,但在马太二十四章二十七节祂作为闪电,必成为向列国所竖的旗号。

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A Twig from the Stem of Jesse and a Branch from the His Roots (3) – Isa. 11:10

Revival of David’s Family Continues

We must realize that the revival of David’s family is still going on. According to our thought, Christ has two comings, but according to God’s realization, he has sent his Son once for all. This sending started from Bethlehem. When Jesus was born, that was the beginning of God’s sending his Son to the earth. This sending has not yet been fully accomplished. It is still going on. This sending began at the time Jesus was born and will be completed when the Son of Man comes to the earth in an open way. Matthew 24:27 says, “For as the lightning comes forth from the east and shines to the west, so shall the coming of the Son of Man be.” That will be the completion of God’s sending his Son. The sending of the Son of God continues for two thousand years.

A Twig from the Stem of Jesse and His Sending Is Yet to be Completed

Christ as the twig from the stem of Jesse came into existence about two thousand years ago, but his being sent has not been fully accomplished. The completion of his being sent by God is accomplished in three ways: by his building up of the church, by his preparing of Israel, and by his adjustment his judging, of the nations.

The Lord came at his birth, then he went to the cross to die. The disciples thought he was going to leave them. However, the Lord revealed that this was not his going but his coming (John 14:3, 17-20; 20:19-22). The Lord’s going through death and resurrection was actually his coming to the disciples as the Spirit to get into them and dwell in them. He also came on the day of Pentecost as the Spirit, baptizing his Body in one Spirit (Acts 2:4a, 17). Today he is still on the way and is coming. The entire world situation is an indication of the steps of Christ’s coming. He was a little twig in the manger at Bethlehem, but as the lightning in Matthew 24:27, he will be a great standard to the nations.