2024-03-14 周四 向积极的人作圣所(一)










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Sanctuary to the Positive Ones (1) – Isa. 8:14

Christ is the Sanctuary to the Positive Ones

Isaiah 8:14-15 reveals that Christ is the sanctuary to the positive ones, a rock of stumbling, a trap and a snare to the negative ones.

In order to enter into this revelation, we need to see that the Triune God is our dwelling place. In Psalm 90:1, Moses said, “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations.” Our God is our eternal dwelling place. Because he is our dwelling place, we can rest within him. There is also food and drink within him. Light, air, a wall for the dweller’s protection and entrances also accompany a proper dwelling place. Our God is such an enterable dwelling place to us with all of these aspects.

The Old Testament shows that God gained a collective people, the people of Israel. He brought them to Mount Sinai and charged them to build a tabernacle. Eventually, when they entered into the good land, they built the temple to replace the tabernacle. The tabernacle and the temple were not only the dwelling place of God but also the dwelling place of his serving ones, the priests. They lived and served in the temple of God. They were living together with God, God was their “roommate.” We have to realize that God is not only our Savior, Redeemer, Master, Lord and life but also our dwelling place. He is also one of the dwellers, so he is our roommate. The very God in whom we believe is our roommate, with whom we are living every day.

The Inner Temple of God’s Dwelling

We have to see the central thought of God toward the positive ones, his chosen people. The positive ones are the ones who were chosen, called, redeemed and saved by God, the ones who have been regenerated and are being transformed into the divine image. God to them is not just an ordinary dwelling place. God to them is a sanctuary, and the sanctuary is the inner temple for God’s dwelling. The most inward part of the temple is the Holy of Holies, the dwelling place of God. God’s dwelling becomes our dwelling. Such a revelation of God as our sanctuary should cause us to aspire to live a life with God as our roommate all the time. We need to have definite, intimate and sweet times with God as our roommate. We should live, stay and dwell all the time with God and in God.

The Incarnated Christ Being a Tabernacle to God’s People

When God was incarnated to be a man, he tabernacled among men on earth. The incarnated Christ is a tabernacle to God’s people (John 1:14). He is the tabernacle of God.