2024-03-13 周三 以赛亚受差遣










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Isaiah’s Sending – Isa. 6:8-9

Isaiah’s Mission of Warning Given By God

After Isaiah was purged, he received a commission from the Lord. Regarding the Lord’s need, we first have his calling. The Lord said, “Whom shall I send? Who will go for Us?”. The words I and Us indicate that the One speaking here is triune, that this One is not merely Christ but Christ as the embodiment of the Triune God. Isaiah’s answer was very good. He said, “Here am I; send me”

Isaiah’s Sending

Isaiah 6:8-10 shows us Isaiah being sent. He was sent by Christ who is full of the divine glory and the human virtues in his holiness. Christ’s holiness is based upon his righteousness. Isaiah was sent by Christ to a people who were short of the divine glory, were violating the divine holiness and were corrupt in the human virtues. He was sent by the Lord to lead Israel to express Christ’s divine glory in his human virtues held in his holiness. In other words, God wanted Israel to be a holy people, fully separated from the nations. Their holiness is based upon their righteousness, then they could express God’s glory.

Today to live Christ is to express God’s glory. To live Christ is to be righteous. Righteousness is the base, the foundation, of God’s salvation. God’s salvation firstly justifies us, making us righteous. Then we will be holy, sanctified, separated. Spontaneously, we will be brought into the expression of the divine glory of Christ, which is to live Christ.

Every sent one is sent by the Lord to do the same thing. First, God sent the prophets. Second, God sent his Son. Third, God sent the New Testament apostles. He sent them all to bring God’s chosen people into a state of living Christ. He desired that they would live righteousness, showing that they are a holy people, different and distinct from the nations. Then they would express Christ’s divine glory.

God’s Judgment and Discipline

In verses 9 and 10 the Lord gave his charge to Isaiah. The Lord said to him, “Go and say to this people, / Hear indeed, but do not perceive; / And see indeed, but do not understand. / Make the heart of this people numb; / Dull their ears, / And seal their eyes; / Lest they see with their eyes and hear with their ears, / And their heart perceives and returns, and they are healed.” This indicates that there would be no way for the people to be healed and recovered. In verses 11b through 13 we have the Lord’s answer to Isaiah’s question. The Lord said to him, “Until cities lay devastated, / Without inhabitants, / And houses are without people, / And the land is devastated and a waste…” The foregoing prophetic warning was given in approximately 758 B.C., and it was fulfilled in approximately 606 B.C. by the Babylonian invasion and captivity. The Babylonians devastated Jerusalem and carried away the important people.