2024-03-12 周二 以赛亚得洁净









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The Purging of Isaiah — Isa. 6:5, 7

Isaiah Realizing That He Was Finished and a Man of Unclean Lips

Isaiah responded to the vision of Christ in glory by saying, “Woe is me, for I am finished!”. As a result of seeing this vision, Isaiah was terminated, finished. Isaiah went on to say, “For I am a man of unclean lips, and in the midst of a people of unclean lips I dwell”. By this we can see that we must pay attention to our lips, to our speaking. A great percentage of the words we speak are evil, because most of our words are words of criticism. Nearly every word that we speak concerning any matter or any person is a word of criticism. This is the reason that our lips are unclean. Unclean things such as gossip, murmuring and reasoning make the church life taste like vinegar. If we eliminate gossip, murmuring and reasoning, we may find that we have very little to talk about. Like Isaiah, we need to realize that our lips are unclean.

Everyone who truly sees a vision of the Lord is enlightened. The vision he sees immediately exposes him and brings him into light. When Peter saw the Lord in Luke 5, he immediately said to the Lord, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, Lord!”. How much we realize concerning ourselves depends on how much we see the Lord.

The Purging of Isaiah

After Isaiah realized that he was unclean, he was purged by one of the seraphim, signifying the holiness of God. Isaiah was purged with an ember from the altar. This ember signifies the effectiveness of Christ’s redemption accomplished on the cross. This purging by the seraphim with an ember from the altar took away Isaiah’s iniquity and purged his sin.

Had Isaiah not been washed by God before his experience in chapter six? Yes, Isaiah had been cleansed, but he realized that he was still unclean. This indicates that we all need to realize that we are a totality of uncleanness. No matter how many times we may be washed, we are still unclean. We all must come to know ourselves to this extent.

In our experience, whether we are clean or unclean depends on the feeling of our conscience; and the feeling of our conscience depends on our seeing the Lord. How much we see the Lord determines how much we will be cleansed. The more we see the Lord and are exposed, the more we are cleansed. When our conscience is cleansed and is void of offense, we are able to contact God. According to our enlightened conscience, we are clean, but according to the actual facts of our situation in the old creation, we are not clean. As long as we remain in the old creation, we can never be completely clean. Once our body is redeemed, we will get out of the old creation. At that time, we will be completely clean.