2024-03-04 周一 罪的赦免和洗涤











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Forgiveness and Washing of Sins – Isa. 1:18

Jehovah’s Loving Promise to His Chastised People

Jehovah’s loving promise is a promise of forgiveness and of restoration. Concerning the promise of forgiveness, Jehovah first extends an invitation: “Come now and let us reason together” (1:18a). God invites the people to reason with him about their sins.

Jehovah’s Forgiveness through Washing

The invitation is followed by Jehovah’s forgiveness through washing. Isaiah speaks of this in 1:18b. “Though your sins are like scarlet, / They will be as white as snow; / Though they are as red as crimson, / They will be like wool.” Although his people were so sinful, God was willing to forgive them.

The Issue of the People’s Obedience

In 1:19 and 20 we have the issue of the people’s obedience. If they were willing and listened, they would eat the good of the land. But if they refused and rebelled, they would be devoured by the sword.

The Forgiveness and Washing of Sins in the New Testament

In God’s full salvation he not only forgives our sins, exempting us from the penalty of our sins and removing the record of our sins from before him; he also washes away the traces of sins in us, making us as white as snow and white like wool. Both snow and wool are naturally white. Hence, as a result of God’s washing, we become not only white but also naturally white, as if we had never been defiled.

The washing that makes us as white as snow is a positional washing from without through the blood of Jesus Christ (1 John 1:7; Heb. 1:3b; Rev. 1:5), whereas the washing that makes us white like wool is a washing of our nature metabolically from within by God’s Spirit and by his life.