2024-02-24 周六 利未记里还特许愿的价值(三)











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The Valuation of the Repayment of Vows in Leviticus (3) – Lev. 27:8

Over Twenty Years Old Go Forth for Military Service

The period from twenty to sixty years old is valued more than any other period, and God specifically speaks of this group of people first in this passage of the Bible. What is the reason for this? Because men over the age of twenty are able to go forth for military service. (Num. 1:3). In the first chapter of Numbers, it is recorded that the twelve tribes were numbered, each time the focus was on how many of those over twenty years old were able to go out to fight. It is also true with God’s current valuation of his children. Those who are willing to consecrate are valuable before him regardless of their weakness, there is nothing worthless. Those who are willing to stand up for the glory of God, willing to work with God to eliminate sins, and willing to fight against Satan for God’s rights are more valuable than believers who are unwilling to do so. God’s eyes focus on warriors.

Why are men and women’s valuations different? This is not concerning the flesh (yet Israel is concerning this), but is concerning spiritual strength or weakness (1 Pet. 3:7), perhaps one who is saved for only one year is more advanced than the one who has saved for five years. We know that Christians have different spiritual ages, and there is a possibility of backsliding or catching up. What kind of situation do we fall into?

Set Before the High Priest for a Re-valuation

“But if it is for him who is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the means of the one who vowed, the priest shall value him.” (Lev. 27:8) What does that mean in this verse? Because according to our spiritual age, we should have offered more, but once we are enlightened by the Holy Spirit, we realize that there is nothing to offer, and we could not even offer what we should have given! At this time, we have no choice but come before our High Priest, confess our affordability and ask him for re-value so that we may start from the beginning.

How Much Are We Worth in God’s Hands?

The offering is according to the shekel of the sanctuary. This is what God says about your value, and it cannot be more accurate. There are many inaccuracies in a man’s shekel, but the shekel of sanctuary is extremely accurate. What God estimates is accurate and without the slightest of error. Our half shekel has been paid. Today we should all ask God, “O God! How much am I worth in your hands?”