2024-02-23 周五 利未记里还特许愿的价值(二)








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The Valuation of the Repayment of Vows in Leviticus (2) – Lev. 27:3-7

Periods of Various Spiritual Conditions

There are four periods of a human life: one month old to five years old, which is the childhood period; five years to twenty years old, which is the youth period; twenty to sixty years old, which is the period of adulthood; those who are over sixty years old is the period of aging. When it comes to Israel, it refers to the actual physical age; when it comes to the believers, it refers to the spiritual strength and weakness.

Salvation Is Treated Equally; Consecration Varies from Person to Person

Salvation is treated equally, yet consecration varies from person to person. Each saved one should always have a real value. From a month old to five years old, God estimates his value at five shekels. A newly saved person should always be worth something before God. However, this comes from consecration. Without consecration, God will not regard us as valuable. Once a person is saved, the only work of the Holy Spirit is to lead him to consecrate himself to live for God. Those aged five to twenty can be regarded as those young believers who are very enthusiastic and have spiritual experience. The period of aging is for believers who are strong, mature and experienced.

When in Old Age, One Still Yield Fruit

But why do people over the age of sixty see their valuations decrease? Although Caleb was old, he was still as strong as when he was young (Josh. 14:11). Psalm 92:14 says, “They will still yield fruit in old age; they shall be full of sap and very green.” It can be seen that some old men are still good, our spirit does not need to grow old. Who would have thought that there were some who were otherwise, and some who backslide later! We should not think that the valuation we have before God today will always be the same, it is possible for our spirit to backslide!