2024-02-22 周四 利未记里还特许愿的价值(一)








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The Valuation of the Repayment of Vows in Leviticus (1) – Lev. 27:3

However, we see that the value of repaying a vow is at least six times greater than the value of redeeming life, due to the minimum limit being three shekels of silver (Lev. 27:6). In case there are more, the difference will be a hundred times, because some require fifty shekels of silver (Lev. 27:3.) Why is there such a difference? This is because Exodus is regarding salvation and Leviticus is regarding consecration.

Because of Our Willingness to Offer, God Considers Our Valuation

The meaning of consecration does not mean how much we are willing to offer, instead, God considers the valuation based on our willingness to offer. From the perspective of salvation, God sees that we are all worth half a shekel, and no one is worth more than anyone else regardless of being rich or poor, old or young. All have the same valuation before God. The natural aspect of ourselves is completely set aside by God; for it is the Son of God who saves us. No one can add anything to the Son of God, and no one can take anything away from him to be saved. According to grace, the world is equally sinful before God, and the price of their salvation is also the same. Because of Christ, God regards us as having the same valuation before him. God treasures ​​us and considers us valuable. However, this valuation is in his Son, we all have the same valuation before him through salvation.

One Is Spiritual Usefulness, the Other Is Sincere Consecration

However, this does not prevent God from considering some believers to be more valuable than others. Although they are all saved and are children of God in the same way, due to their spiritual usefulness more than others and their consecration more fully, God considers them to be more valuable. There are two matters that should be noted here: one is spiritual usefulness, and the other is sincere consecration. God only considers the valuation based on our spiritual usefulness and sincere consecration. Having only spiritual usefulness without consecration has no other value before God except the value of having Christ. If you are willing to consecrate and sincerely consecrate yourself, even if you are aged from a month old to five years old in the eyes of God, it would be valuable. The most terrifying thing is that a believer is not worth a penny before God. The price of redeeming life costs only half a shekel, which is an assurance that he will be saved. However, when it comes to consecration, even if you are aged a month old, you still have your valuation.