2024-02-21 周三 出埃及记里救恩的价值










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The Value of Salvation in Exodus – Exo. 10:13-15

The Difference Between the Two Contents

We see a big difference between the two contents: in the book of Exodus, whoever was numbered, regardless of male or female, rich or poor, as long as they were twenty years old and over, had to give only half a shekel. However, this is not the case in Leviticus. There are differences in offering according to age, between men and women and between rich and poor. Why is it so? Because Exodus talks about the price of redemption of life, and Leviticus talks about the valuation of the repayment of a vow.

Exodus Talks About the Price of Redemption of Life

Since the book of Exodus talks about the price of redemption of life, both men and women, from twenty years old and over, must give half a shekel, because this is salvation. This half shekel is for everyone to pay, and if he fails to do so, he will suffer plagues. Everyone must have the Son of God to save his life. In the position of saved sinners, all are of equal value before God.

“Half a shekel” is equal to two denarii in Luke 10:35. The two denarii was the price that the Lord Jesus had paid off on our behalf. They were good enough for us to stay in an inn (sojourn on earth) upon our Savior’s return.

“Twenty years old” is the age when a man can take responsibility for himself. The teaching here is that anyone who can take responsibility for himself must have the Son of God. However, the Israel was reckoned according to their physical age. In the age of salvation, no one knows the age of responsibility. Some may have reached this age of responsibility when they were only seven or eight years old.

Not the Works of Man, But the Precious Blood of the Lord

“The rich shall not give more and the poor shall not give less.” Due to the price paid with precious blood, there is no distinction between rich and poor. Wealth and poverty can be compared to human behaviors. He who does bad deeds cannot save himself, and he who does good deeds cannot save himself either; both need to pay half a shekel. For the salvation accomplished by the Lord, no one could add nor take away anything. All must be saved by the blood. The reason why blood is called precious blood is because it is “precious” and has value. (1 Pet. 1:19). The precious blood is a heavy price!