2024-02-10 周六 要得救脱离这弯曲的世代








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Being Saved from this Crooked Generation – Acts 2:40

Peter entreated the people saying, “Be saved from this crooked generation!” Here “be” is active, and “saved” is passive; hence, we may say “be saved” is in the “active-passive” voice. It is to be done by God, but man needs to be active to receive what God intends to do. At the time of Pentecost, everything concerning God’s full salvation was prepared, and the Holy Spirit was poured out as the application and full blessing of God’s salvation ready for man to receive. In this matter God is waiting for man, and man needs to take the initiative. Although we cannot save ourselves, we must be willing to be saved by God. God is willing and prepared to save us; nevertheless, we need to be saved; that is, we need to take the initiative to receive God’s salvation.

Peter, at the conclusion of his message, does not say, “Be saved from God’s condemnation,” or, “Be saved from eternal perdition.” Instead, he says, “Be saved from this crooked generation!” This crooked generation refers to the perverted Jews in this age who rejected God’s Christ (Act 2:36) and were considered by God as the present evil age (Gal. 1:4). For the crooked Jews to be saved from their present evil age requires a genuine repentance of their crookedness toward God and a real turn to God. This indicates that they need to turn to God not only from their sins but also from their generation, their Jewish society, including their Jewish religion. The result of such a salvation is not an entrance into heaven; it is an entrance into a new generation – the church. Thus, the saved ones will be separated from Jewish society unto the church. To be saved this way implies to be saved from God’s condemnation and eternal perdition unto God’s eternal purpose and his pleasure (Eph. 3:11; 1:9).

Acts 2:41 says, “Those, then, who welcomed his word were baptized, and there were added in that day about three thousand souls.” These ones were baptized by water (10:47-48). In this verse “souls” denote persons created by God (Gen. 2:7).

The Stubbornness of Jews

According to 2:41, about three thousand souls received Peter’s word and were baptized. This, no doubt, was a good response to Peter’s speaking concerning Christ. However, those who received the word and were baptized were only a small percentage of the ones in Jerusalem at that time. Of the many thousands of Jews in the city, only three thousand were saved on the day of Pentecost. This indicates that the Jewish people were still very stubborn. A great many Jews lived in Jerusalem, and a large number had come to the city for the celebration of the feast of Pentecost. Therefore, comparatively speaking, the number who were saved on the day of Pentecost was not great. In this we see the stubbornness of that crooked generation. It is not surprising, then, that Peter said, “Be saved from this crooked generation!”