2024-01-26 周五 永远的福音(二)






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The Eternal Gospel (2) – Matt. 25:45

The treatment of Christ’s brothers that will be the subject of the judgment before the throne of his glory will take place during the great tribulation, when the believers will suffer the persecution of Antichrist (Rev. 13:6-7; 20:4). All the sufferings in verses 35 through 39 will betide the believers who are left for the trial (Rev. 3:10) during the great tribulation (Matt. 24:21). According to Revelation chapter 14, during the great tribulation Antichrist will force God’s people to worship him. At that time an angel will preach the eternal gospel warning the people to fear God and not to mistreat his people. The Christians that will be mistreated by Antichrist will be considered by the Lord his little brothers. The bigger brothers will have been raptured, and the little ones will be left to pass through the tribulation. Antichrist will mistreat them, persecute them and imprison them. Thus, they will be short of food and clothing, and many will be ill. But a voice from heaven will say something like this: “Fear God and worship Him, and don’t do anything to harm God’s people. Those who fear Antichrist instead of God will perish.”

Judge the Nations Before the Throne of Grace

God deals with the unbelievers according to the law and with the believers according to the gospel of Christ during the age of grace. But at the end of this age, the three and a half years of the great tribulation, God will send an angel to preach a specific gospel, the eternal gospel. Then, after Christ has judged the believers at the judgment seat in the air, he will come with the overcomers to destroy the armies of Antichrist, save the remnant of the Jews, and set up his throne of glory in Jerusalem. Then all the living gentiles will be gathered before him to be judged. By the judgment seat in the air, he will clear up the situation among the believers. By descending to the Mount of Olives he will clear up the situation among the Jews. Finally, at his throne of glory he will clear up the situation among the nations. He will judge them not according to the law or according to the gospel of grace, but according to the eternal gospel, according to how they have treated his little brothers during the great tribulation. Acts 10:42 and 2 Timothy 4:1 both say that Christ will be the Judge of the living and the dead. Christ will judge the dead at the white throne after the millennium. But he will judge the living at the throne of his glory before the millennium. The judgment according to the law for eternal perdition depends upon how one deals with God, the judgment according to the gospel for eternal salvation depends upon how the believer deals with Christ, and the judgment according to the eternal gospel for the “sheep” to inherit the millennial kingdom depends upon how they deal with the Lord’s little brothers.