2024-01-24 周三 绵羊的结局—进入国








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The Ending of the Sheep — Entering into the Kingdom – Matt. 25:34

The Sheep Inheriting the Kingdom Prepared for Them from the Foundation of the World

After the judgment at Christ’s throne of glory, the sheep will be transferred into the millennium to be the people under the kingly ruling of Christ and the overcoming believers (Rev. 2:26-27; 12:5; 20:4-6) and under the priestly ministry of the saved Jews (Zech. 8:20-23). In this way, they will “inherit the [coming] kingdom.”

In the millennium there will be three realms: the realm of the earth, where the blessing of God’s creation, as mentioned in Genesis 1:28-30, will take place; the realm of the nation of Israel in Canaan, from the Nile to the Euphrates, in which the saved Jews will rule over the whole earth (Isa. 60:10-12; Zech. 14:16-18); and the heavenly and spiritual realm (1 Cor. 15:50-52), where the overcoming believers will enjoy the kingdom reward (5:20; 7:21). The kingdom which the sheep will enter will be the first realm. The blessing of the first realm in the millennium, the blessing of God’s creation, was prepared for the sheep from the foundation of the world, whereas the blessing in the third realm, the blessing of the heavenly and spiritual kingdom, was ordained for the believers before the foundation of the world (Eph. 1:3-4).

God’s Economy to Recover the Earth and Establish His Kingdom in a Full Way on the Earth

The whole earth is under God’s administration, which is for the carrying out of his economy. God’s economy is to recover the earth and to establish his kingdom in a full way on the earth. God is more interested in the earth than in the heavens. According to the Bible, God’s intention is to leave the heavens. He desires to come down from the heavens and set up his kingdom on the earth.

In the kingdom of God as the sphere of God’s administration, there is the need for three kinds of people: the priests, the kings and the people or the citizens. The prophecy concerning the kingdom given by the Lord on the Mount of Olives concerns God’s economy to bring in his kingdom. This final word tells us the result of God’s activity on earth to establish his kingdom. The result is that God will obtain three peoples, the priests, the kings and the citizens, with whom he will have a complete kingdom. Zechariah chapter 8 reveals that the Jews will be the priests during the coming kingdom. They will teach all the nations to serve God. There will no longer be any idolatrous worship. The believers, covered in the second section of this prophecy, will be the kings, and the citizens will be taken from among the nations. How wise the Lord is, including all of God’s economy in a prediction just two chapters long!