2024-01-22 周一 国度豫言的三段







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Three Sections of the Prophecy of the Kingdom — Matt. 25:31

Concerning Jews, Church and Nations

In the first two sections of the Lord’s prophecy of the kingdom, the Lord covered the Jews and the church. At the end of this age, the people on earth will be in three categories: the Jews, the believers and the gentiles. The word “but” at the beginning of verse 31 indicates that what is spoken from verse 31 to verse 46 is another section, the section concerning the gentiles. When the Lord’s prophecy turned from the Jews to the church in 24:32, the word “but” was used to indicate this change.

The same is true in 25:31. The Lord’s word in verses 31-46 concerns the judgment of the nations. If the Lord’s prophecy had covered only the Jews and the church, it would not be complete, for there would be nothing about the nations. In order to make his prophecy all-inclusive, the Lord had to say a word about what would happen to the nations at the close of this age. Many Christian teachers have mixed up the Lord’s word in the three sections of the prophecy of the kingdom, with some applying the verses concerning the Jews to the church. Both the word to the Jews and the word to the gentiles have been applied to the believers. Many have taught that the judgment of the nations is the final judgment that the Lord will execute upon us all. In the past I heard certain Christian teachers warn us not to be goats. Thank the Lord that in his prophecy he used the little word “but” in two crucial places, in 24:32 and in 25:31. This word indicates that the prophecy turns from the Jews to the believers in the first case and then from the believers to the gentiles.

Christ on the Throne of Glory Upon His Return

Verse 31 says, the Son of Man comes in his glory. The Son of Man is the title of Christ for his kingdom, the Messianic kingdom (13:41). His judgment here in these verses is a preparation for that kingdom. His glory comprises the glory of his divinity (John 17:22-24), the glory of his humanity (Psa. 45:3), the glory of his resurrection (John 7:39; Acts 3:13-15), and the glory of his ascension (Heb. 2:9). The throne on which he will sit is the throne of David (Luke 1:32-33), which will be in Jerusalem (Matt. 19:28; Jer. 3:17).