2024-01-19 周五 没有的,要从他夺去







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Who Does Not Have It, It Shall Be Taken Away – Matt. 25:28-29

From Him Who Does Not Have, Even That Which He Has Shall Be Taken Away From Him

Verse 28 says, “Take away therefore the talent from him, and give it to him who has the ten talents.” Taking away the talent signifies that the Lord’s gift will be taken away from slothful believers in the coming kingdom. The giving of the talent to the one with ten talents signifies that the gift of faithful believers will be increased.

Verse 29 continues, “For to everyone who has shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him who has not, even that which he has shall be taken away from him.” To everyone who gains profit in the church age, more gift shall be given in the coming kingdom age; but from him who has not gained profit in the church age, even the gift he has shall be taken away from him in the coming kingdom age.

Useless Slave Being Cast Out Into the Outer Darkness, In That Place There Will Be the Weeping and the Gnashing of Teeth

Verse 30 says, “And cast out the useless slave into the outer darkness; there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.” This word, the same as in 24:51, indicates that 25:14-30 is a completion to 24:45-51 concerning faithfulness for the Lord’s work. Matthew 24:45-51 has dealt with the slave’s unfaithfulness in fulfilling the Lord’s commission, but 25:14-30 is still needed to deal with the slave’s unfaithfulness in using the Lord’s talent.

In both chapters twenty-four and twenty-five we see the matters of reward and punishment. According to 24:47, the reward to the faithful and prudent slave is that the Lord will set him over all his possessions. The evil slave, who beats his fellow slaves and eats and drinks with the drunken, will be cut asunder and have his portion with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matt. 24:49-51). In chapter twenty-five the five-talented one and the two-talented one are rewarded by being put over many things and by entering into the joy of the Lord. The slothful, one-talented slave, however, is punished by being cast into outer darkness. To many Christian teachers, being cast into outer darkness denotes eternal perdition of a false believer. But the context proves that this is not an accurate understanding. This is not the punishment of false believers, but of genuine believers who are not faithful. It does not refer to eternal perdition, but to punishment during the coming kingdom age.