2024-01-18 周四 连本带利收回









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Received Money Back with Interest – Matt. 25:26-27

Use Talent to Care for Saints

In the Lord’s recovery we do not have pastors to do the work of caring for the saints. This type of pastoring comes from fallen Christianity. In the Lord’s recovery every brother and sister must bear the burden to take care of others, especially the young ones and the new ones. After the meeting, many are accustomed to visit only with certain ones. Instead of doing this, they should take this opportunity to contact the new ones, the young ones, and even some backsliding ones for whom they have been praying. If we all did this, all the young ones and weak ones would be taken care of. Although you may be very busy, you can still take care of someone if you have the heart to do so and are willing to exercise your talent. By spending even ten minutes with someone, we can render him a great deal of edification. After someone has been built up in this way, he will feel warmed and know that he has been cared for. Then he will desire to receive more help. If we all practice this, no one will be neglected.

By Caring Others to Function in the Church

Many, however, consider that functioning is just a matter of speaking in the meetings. But the proper function of the members is to minister the life supply to others by taking care of them. The main aspect of the service is not simply to clean the meeting hall or take care of the gardening. We are here for God’s possessions. I do not wish to stop anyone from speaking, I want to point out that functioning in the church life is not merely a matter of speaking.

We all need to learn to use our talent to multiply the Lord’s possessions. The Lord has given each of us part of his possessions as a talent, and our burden, duty and responsibility are to see that this talent is multiplied. Do not make excuses for yourselves, and do not say that you have no time to take care of others. No matter how busy you are, it is still possible to use your function by taking care of others, even if you are able to come to only one meeting a week. Do not think that you are so weak. Perhaps you are weak; however, others are even weaker, and they need you. The best way to use your talent is to take care of others, to become interested in others and concerned for them.

Use Talent to Care for Others to Multiply the Talents

Verse 27 says, “You ought therefore to have deposited my silver with the bankers, and when I came I would have recovered what is mine with interest.” Depositing the silver with the bankers signifies using the Lord’s gift to lead others to salvation and to minister his riches to them. Interest signifies the profitable result we gain for the Lord’s work by using his gift. If you use your talent in this way to take care of others, you will not only multiply the talent, but you yourself will quickly grow and be transformed.