2024-01-17 周三 又恶又懒的奴仆








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Evil and Slothful Slave — Matt 25:24-25

The One-talented Ones Hid the Talent Passively

The one-talented slave went away and hid the talent in the earth. In doing this he was too passive. We should be active for the Lord’s work. Because he had buried his talent, he could only give it back to the Lord. Merely to keep the Lord’s gift and not lose it is not sufficient; we must gain a profit by using it. The one-talented one seemed to be saying, “Behold, Lord, here is what is Yours. I didn’t lose anything. I have been faithful to keep what You gave me.”

The One-talented Ones Are Evil and Slothful in Lord’s Eyes

Verse 26 says, “But his lord answered and said to him, Evil and slothful slave, you knew that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter.” Here the Lord admits that he is strict in what he demands of his slaves for his work. In a sense, the Lord is such a hard man. He always reaps where he has not sown and gathers where he has not scattered. Consider the fact that the Lord’s recovery began from scratch and from nothing.

Gathering Where Has Not Scattered and Reaping Where Has Not Sown

In a sense the slave’s word about the Lord’s gathering where he has not scattered and reaping where he has not sown is true. But in another sense it is not true. We should not say that the Lord has not scattered, for he has given each of us at least one talent. His giving the talent to us is the sowing and the scattering. Now the Lord sends us to gather where he has not scattered and to reap where he has not sown. None of us can say that the Lord has given us nothing. At least we have one talent. This talent is the seed for sowing and the possessions for scattering. Therefore, we need to reap where the Lord has not sown and gather where he has not scattered. What the Lord has given you contains the producing element. Wherever you go with your talent, it will be productive. This productiveness, however, depends upon your practice, your exercise of the talent. If you use the talent, it will produce. But if you hide it, it will not produce anything.