2024-01-16 周二 主人来算账—赏赐或惩罚








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The Lord Settling Accounts with Them – Reward or Punishment — Matt. 25:22-23

The Two-talented Ones Receiving a Reward – Authority and Enjoyment

The same reward is given to the two-talented one as to the five-talented one. When the two-talented one came and said that he had gained another two talents, the Lord said the same thing to him that he had said to the five-talented one. Although the gift given to the two-talented ones is smaller than that given to the five-talented one, the Lord’s appraisal and reward to both are the same. This indicates that the Lord’s appraisal and reward are not related to the size and quantity of our work, but to our faithfulness in using his gift to the fullest extent. The same appraisal and reward would also have been given to the one-talented one if he had been as faithful.

The One-talented Ones Receiving a Rebuke and Being Punished

Verse 24 says, “And he also who received the one talent came and said, Lord, I knew you, that you are a hard man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter.” The one-talented one, who did not gain any profit for the Lord, also came to the judgment seat of Christ in the air. This proves that he is not only saved, but also raptured to the air. No unsaved person could be raptured and come to the judgment seat of Christ.

The one-talented one said that the Lord was a hard man, reaping where he did not sow and gathering where he did not scatter. Apparently the Lord is hard in his strictness, demanding that we use his gift to the fullest extent for his absolute work. It seems that the Lord’s work always begins from zero. He seemingly demands us to work for him with nothing. This should not be an excuse for the one-talented one to neglect the use of his gift. Rather, this should force him to exercise his faith to use his gift to the uttermost.

Verse 25 says, “And I was afraid, and went away and hid your talent in the earth; behold, you have what is yours.” To be afraid is negative. We should rather be positive and aggressive in using the Lord’s gift. If we are faithful, we shall not be afraid of anything.