2024-01-10 周三 聪明的童女—进去赴筵








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Prudent Virgins Going to the Marriage Feast – Matt. 25:10-12

For Those Who Are Ready Going in the Marriage Feast with the Bridegroom

The word “came” refers to the Lord’s coming to the air, a part of his parousia. Those who are ready must be those who are invited to the marriage dinner of the Lamb. We should be ready by always having oil in our vessel, always being filled with the Spirit of God in our whole being. To watch and be ready should be our daily exercise for the Lord’s parousia.

To go in with him refers to the rapture of the resurrected believers to the air during the Lord’s parousia. The marriage feast in verse 10 is the marriage dinner of the Lamb, which will be held in the air during the Lord’s coming, his parousia. It will occur before the manifestation of the kingdom as a reward of mutual enjoyment with the Lord to the believers who are ready, who have been equipped with the fullness of the Holy Spirit before they die. After those who are ready go in with the Bridegroom to the marriage feast, the door is shut. This is not the door of salvation, but the door to enter into the enjoyment of the Lord’s marriage feast.

The Lord Not Approved Those Who Are Not Ready, the Door Is Shut

The later coming of the foolish virgins refers to the later rapture of the resurrected believers. They paid the price for the extra portion of oil, but they obtained it too late. Time means a great deal here, for when they came, the door was shut.

When they asked the Lord to open to them, he said, “I do not know you.” To not know here indicates not to recognize, not to approve, as in Luke 13:25. The foolish virgins had their lamps lighted, went forth to meet the Lord, died, and were resurrected and raptured, but were late in paying the price for the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Because of this, the Lord would not recognize or approve of them for participation in his marriage feast. They missed this reward dispensationally, but they do not lose their salvation eternally. In telling them that he did not know them, the Lord was saying, “I do not appreciate you or recognize you, and I do not approve of the way you lived on the earth. Also, I do not approve of your coming so late.” Thus, they are rejected from the enjoyment of the kingdom feast.