2024-01-03 周三 何等可怕又严肃的“关”







天国就是King domain,我们的主作王管治。凡是以教导为中心的,以属灵的人为中心的,以人为中心的,以组织为中心的,都不知不觉把天国的真实关到外面去了。我们要注意这个“关”字。



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What a Scary and Serious “Close-Off” – Matt. 23:13

The Pharisees closed off the kingdom of heavens in the face of men. They were in trouble because they shut out men who should have received grace and the testimony of God’s life. What a terrible close-off this was! Shutting down the kingdom from heaven to earth, from light to darkness, from God’s will of blessing to various teachings, from living testimony to an organized Judaism. The situation is the same today, just like Catholicism, sympathetic Puritans and Exclusive Brethren who are teaching-centered, great spiritual giants-centered, ritual-centered and organization-centered will unknowingly shut out the kingdom of heavens.

The “Close-Off” of the Pharisees Hinders God’s Grace

The Lord Jesus spoke these harsh words: Woe to you scribes and Pharisees! Why woe them? Because you have closed off the testimony of life from the grace that men should have received. Grace comes from the testimony of life. The stronger the life and the stronger the testimony, the richer the grace. Now that you have shut him away from the Lord, why do you need to gather and meet together? Why do you need to be so dedicated to the Lord? Why do you bother to offer something like this? Why should you sacrifice everything? Why should you…? Those who say these are shutting men out of loving the Lord.

We Must be Very Careful Not to Closed-off Men Without Realizing It

The kingdom of heavens is the king’s domain, and our Lord reigns and rules. Everything that is centered on teaching, centered on spiritual men, centered on men and centered on organizations has unknowingly closed off the reality of the kingdom of heavens. Thus, we need to pay attention to the word “closed-off”.

What a Testimony of Organic Life

The testimony that God desires is organic and living, a testimony that is full of Christ, full of the operation of the Holy Spirit and full of lively organic life. Today if we have the Lord, his presence and the Lord as our content, our gathering will be an organic, life-filled gathering with Christ, with the operation of the Holy Spirit and a life-filled gathering. This testimony of ours is also a testimony of organic life, of Christ, of the operation of the Holy Spirit and of lively organic life. We live a life with the Lord, an enjoying and joyful life, living Christ with inner satisfaction.