2024-01-02 周二 对犹太宗教领袖们的审判









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Judgment of the Jewish Religious Leaders – Matthew 23:13

Be Careful About Religion

Now we come to the trial of the Jewish religious leaders. Woe to you! This phrase is pretty fierce. Woe means God does not approve of you. Not only does God disapprove of you, he also rebukes you. As a matter of fact, the judgment of the Lord Jesus on the Jewish religious leaders was a judgment on religious believers and religious leaders. At that time, it was Judaism, but it is not necessarily Judaism today. In Christianity, there are many Christians who you feel are very special. What is religion? Teaching according to religion. I have a sect and I teach according to what I sect.

Without the Lord to be the Reality Is Being Hypocritical

When the Lord Jesus came, he rebuked these men of faith. One characteristic of them was that they were hypocritical scribes and Pharisees. To be honest, if I were a scribe or a Pharisee, I would definitely protest to the Lord Jesus. When did I become a hypocrite? You could not say I was a hypocrite just because my clothes were well-made; and you could not say I was a hypocrite just because the fringes of my clothes were wider. Yet the Lord had said that any religious life without the Lord as a reality was all hypocrisy. When there is reality, there is no hypocrisy; when there is no truth, there is hypocrisy. Scribes were Bible readers and interpreters, and Pharisees were Jewish aristocrats. Therefore, the clothes of these nobles were also specially made with a special style, and they were well-dressed, so that people could see they were leaders among Jewish. 

Anything We Do Be a Blessing to the Saints Not a Hindrance

Now the Lord came to judge. Who should be judged first? Let’s start with the so-called people who absolutely followed the Lord. The leaders among the Israelites were scribes according to their interpretation of the Bible, and Pharisees according to their living. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you have shut the door of the kingdom of heavens in the face of others. It’s no longer your problem, it’s the impact you have.

God sees us not only in terms of our overcoming and defeats, but also in terms of whether we help or hurt others among the brothers. We must be particularly careful, and we must tell the Lord: we are all weak, and we all have our own feelings and concepts. Please forgive us! May everything we do be a blessing to the brothers, and not their hindrance. If we are not careful, we may hinder the work of the Holy Spirit.