2024-01-01 周一 主作王掌权就是天国



天国这个字,Kingdom,就是King’s domain,王掌权,就叫kingdom。说到我们的主是王,这就是马太福音。祂是作王掌权的一位,所以马太福音里面都说到王的各面。主耶稣是王,祂有祂的王国:主,王,掌权。马太福音就是说王掌权的一卷书。


主耶稣到底是谁呢?他是我们的救主;他也是万物的复兴。所有的一切,因着亚当的堕落都在审判咒诅的下面。这个复兴,整个一切都变成Eternally Vitalized,永远的活力出来了,就没有死,该多丰富。没有死就一直长,我们基督徒也不死。主再来以后,物理上来讲,整个的宇宙应该是进到另外一种的情形里去。虫不死,火不灭。活着的人,在宝座前的人,是在永远里成长。




这不是一件小事。我们各个都有主,但是很少人有主的domain。每个人都有主,每个人都讲主我爱你。大多基督徒都可以讲这句话:主我爱你,而且没有说谎,真的爱主。但是就像诗歌说的:当主稍微求他一点,就立发怨言(生命诗歌 众人涌进主的国度),稍微不合我们意就抗辩、不愉快。所以这里就说你要知道他就是王。

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The Kingdom of Heaven Is the Lord Who Reigns – Matt. 1:10

The word “kingdom” refers to the king’s domain. When the king is in power, it is called the kingdom. The Gospel of Matthew focuses on our Lord as king. He is the one who reigns, so the Gospel of Matthew talks about various aspects of the king. The Lord Jesus is king, and he has his kingdom. The Gospel of Matthew is a book that talks about the king’s reigning.

The Lord Is the Revival

Who is the Lord Jesus? He is our Savior and also the restoration of all things. Everything is under the curse of judgment due to Adam’s fall. In this revival, everything becomes eternally vitalized. When eternal vitality comes out, there will be no death. It will continue to grow, and so do we Christians. Physically speaking, the entire universe should enter into another state after the Lord returns. As long as the worm does not die, the fire will not be extinguished (referring to lake of fire). Those who live, those who are before the throne, will grow in eternity. All things are cursed because they have been judged by God, they will all perish. In the end, the Lord said that I will come to restore all things and I will become the achiever of the divine economy.

The Lord Jesus Coming to Jerusalem

When the Lord came, the king came. He came to Jerusalem, fulfilling the Scripture, saying to the inhabitants of Zion: Behold, your King is come. Our Lord entered Jerusalem, what a touching event it was and said to those who cared about God’s rights, your King has come; to those who magnified God and satisfied him, your King has come; to those who lived in God’s peace, cared about God’s will, lived for God’s heart’s desire and lived toward God’s economy, your King has come. When the king comes, the kingship comes; when the kingship comes, the kingdom comes.

This is not a small matter. We all have the Lord, but few of us have the Lord’s domain. Everyone has the Lord, and everyone says “Lord, I love you”. Most Christians can say this: Lord, I love you, and I am not lying. I really love the Lord. But as the hymn says: When the Lord asks him a little bit, he will immediately complain (Songs of Life: Many Crowed the Savior’s Kingdom), and if something does not suit our liking, we become defensive and uncomfortable. So the point is that you must know that he is the king!