2023-12-26 周二 七十个七(一)




第二,六十二个七的四百三十四年,从耶路撒冷修造完成,到弥赛亚被剪除。 “弥赛亚必被剪除,一无所有,”这是指基督的钉十字架。弥赛亚被剪除-基督的钉十字架-乃是旧造连同旧造里人政权的了结,并且藉着基督的复活,使神的新造连同神永远的国作神在新造里神圣的行政,有新生的起头。因此,基督的十字架是神工作的中心与普及。



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The Seventy Weeks (1) – Dan. 9:25-26

Daniel 9:24-27 tells us of the seventy weeks. The seventy weeks are divided into three parts, with each week being seven years, not seven days, in length.

First, seven weeks of forty-nine years were apportioned from the issuing of the decree to restore and rebuild Jerusalem to the completion of the rebuilding.

Second, sixty-two weeks of four hundred thirty-four years were apportioned from the completion of the rebuilding of Jerusalem to the cutting off of the Messiah. “Messiah will be cut off and will have nothing”. This refers to the crucifixion of Christ. The cutting off of Messiah – the crucifixion of Christ – was the termination of the old creation with the human government in the old creation and the germination through the resurrection of Christ of God’s new creation with God’s eternal kingdom as the divine administration in God’s new creation. Thus, the cross of Christ is the centrality and universality of God’s work.

This word concerning Messiah’s being cut off is not bad news but good news. Through his death on the cross, Christ terminated the old creation. Then in his resurrection he became the life-giving Spirit (1 Cor. 15:45b) to germinate those whom God has chosen and make them a new creation. If we see this, we will realize that the word in Daniel 9:26 about the death of Christ is good news.

Whereas the first part of verse 26 speaks of the death of Christ, the remainder of this verse speaks of another matter. “The people of the prince who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary”. This reveals that the prince of the Roman Empire, Titus, would come with his army to destroy the city and the sanctuary – the temple. The Lord Jesus also prophesied concerning this destruction in Matthew 24:2. This destruction took place in A.D. 70. As Daniel 9:26c goes on to say, the end of it would be with a flood, and even to the end there would be war. The desolations have been determined.