2023-12-13 周三 儆醒预备—直等到天发亮







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Be Watchful and Prepared – Until the Day Dawns – 2 Pet. 1:19

First we have the shining of the prophetic word, and then this shining becomes a day dawning within us. Outwardly we live in an age of darkness, but inwardly we are full of light. We may continue to enjoy the morning star and the dawning of a spiritual day until the time the Lord appears as the morning star to the watchful ones and dawns as the Sun of righteousness.

2 Peter 1:19 refers to the time of the Lord’s coming back. On that day, the Lord will shine as the Sun of righteousness. The time that is very close to the Lord’s appearance may be likened to early morning, at which time the Lord Jesus will be the morning star to his watchful believers. Although all this is true, Peter is saying something even more. Actually, in 1:19 Peter covers two matters at the same time. He is saying that the entire world is a dark place and that this present age is a dark night. If we did not have the prophecies of the Bible, we also would be in darkness, for we would not have a lamp. But the prophetic word is our lamp shining in the darkness. As we give heed to this prophetic word, we receive the shining of the light. Eventually, this light will shine until a spiritual day dawns within us, and a morning star rises in our hearts. Therefore, Peter first is speaking of a spiritual day, a day that dawns within us. He also speaks of a future day, the day of the Lord’s coming back.

Our experience confirms the fact that in 1:19 Peter is speaking both of a spiritual day and the day of the Lord’s coming. Many times we were in darkness and came to the prophecies in the Bible. As we studied the prophecies, a lamp began to shine within us. Spontaneously we had the sense that no longer were we in the night but in the day, for a spiritual day had dawned within us. We have not only the shining of a lamp, but also the dawning of a day. How pleasant it is for the morning star to rise up in our hearts! Although there may be darkness all around us, within us there is a morning star.

The dawning day in 1:19 also refers to a future day when the Lord Jesus will come back as the Sun of righteousness. Before his visible arrival, he will be the morning star to those who watch for him. Therefore, Peter’s word in 1:19 applies both to our spiritual situation and to the Lord’s coming.

If we give heed to the prophecies of the Bible, we shall experience a lamp shining within us, enjoy the morning star rising in our hearts and have a spiritual day dawning within us. We may remain in this condition until the actual time comes when the Lord Jesus appears as the morning star and there is the dawning of day with him as the Sun of righteousness.