2023-12-11 周一 主的来临和主的大能






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Lord’s Coming and His Power – 2 Pet. 16-17

The Epistle of Second Peter was written in the time of the church’s degradation and apostasy. Approximately thirty years after the church had been established, apostasy began to creep in. There was a deviation from the track of fundamental belief and certain ones were teaching heresy. One of these heresies was that the preaching concerning the coming back of the Lord Jesus in glory is a myth, a tale that is not believable or trustworthy. As we shall see when we come to chapter three, certain mockers said, “Where is the promise of his coming?”

In verse 16 the apostles preached and taught concerning the power and coming (Gk. parousia, presence) of the Lord Jesus Christ. To unbelievers, the preaching concerning the Lord’s coming sounded very much like a myth or superstitious tale. But here Peter says that the apostles did not follow cleverly devised myths when they made known the power and coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Concerning the word “eyewitnesses”, Darby comments, “‘Admitted into immediate vision of the glory,’ a word used for full initiation into the mysteries.” Peter realizes that he, James and John were admitted to the highest degree of initiation at the Lord’s transfiguration, and admitted to be the initiated spectators of his majesty. Peter considers the Lord’s transfiguration as a figure of his second coming, even as the Lord did in Luke 9:26-36. The Lord’s transfiguration in glory was a fact, and Peter was in it. The Lord’s coming back in glory will also be a fact as real as his transfiguration, and Peter will also be in it. This is not a cleverly devised myth passed on to the believers by the apostles.

Peter says that the apostles became eyewitnesses of the Lord’s majesty. This majesty denotes magnificence, greatness in splendor, honor and glory, even magnificent glory (2 Pet. 1:17), as appeared to the eyes of Peter and the other two disciples in the Lord’s transfiguration (Matt. 17:2; Luke 9:32). Here Peter seems to be saying, “We have told you that the Lord Jesus will come back in glory. This is not a tale or a myth. Even when he was on earth, the glory came out of him and he was transfigured. We saw his majesty when we were with him on the mountain. We were eyewitnesses and initiated into a vision of his glory.” In this verse Peter combines the Lord’s transfiguration with his coming back. This means that Christ’s transfiguration is a prefigure of his coming.