2023-12-08 周五 取去一个、撇下一个






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One Being Taken and the Other Left – Matt. 24:40-41

According to the context in Matthew 24:40-41, “then” here means “by that time”. It indicates that while the worldly people are befuddled by the material things, with no sense of the coming judgment, some of the sober and watchful believers will be taken away. To the befuddled people, this should be a sign of Christ’s coming. The two men in verse 40 must be brothers in Christ, and the two women in verse 41 must be sisters in the Lord. This is indicated by verse 42, which tells us to watch because we do not know on what day our Lord comes. Both “watch therefore” and “your Lord” prove that the two men and the two women in verses 40 and 41 are believers.

To be taken means to be raptured before the great tribulation. This rapture is a sign of the Lord’s coming and a sign to the Jews. It is very interesting to see that the two men are working in the field and that the two women are grinding at the mill. Both working in the field and grinding are for eating. There is a difference between our eating and the eating of the worldly people. The worldly people study and work, and so do we. The worldly people, however, have been drugged. But we have not been drugged, rather, we are simply fulfilling our duty to make a living. We are not for eating, drinking and marriage, on the contrary, we maintain our existence in order to take the way of the cross to fulfill God’s purpose. Our concern is not for our education, employment or business.

The Lord Jesus certainly spoke this word with a definite purpose. He wanted to show us that as we wait for his coming and expect to be raptured, we must be very faithful in our daily duties. We need to do the best farming and the best grinding. We need a properly balanced human life, not the life of monks who devote themselves to spiritual things and expect others to take care of them. It is the brothers working in the field and the sisters grinding in the mill who will be raptured. Thus, we need to work diligently and do our duty in a proper way.

The sisters who are wives and mothers must do the best grinding and learn how to prepare the most healthy meals for their families. Sisters, if your husband and children are not healthy, you will be held responsible for this before the Lord. The brothers who are fathers and husbands also need to work diligently at their jobs to earn the money needed to take care of their families. Those who work simply to have a great deal of money in the bank are drugged. But we need to labor in order to provide the best things for our children. Otherwise, we are faithful neither to God nor to our children.