2023-12-05 周二 基督公开的来临




三十节说,“那时,人子的兆头要显在天上……”这兆头是甚么,我们无法知道。但这兆头显在天上,必定是超自然的,并且是清楚可见的。 这里的这地,是指圣地;各族,是指以色列国的各支派。当主显现时,以色列的各支派都要悔改、哀哭(亚十二10-14,启一7)。


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The Open Aspect of the Lord’s Second Coming – Matt. 24:27, 30

Matthew 24:27 indicates that Christ who will be coming to earth will not be on earth or in the wilderness or in the inner room, but in the air. The coming (parousia) of Christ has two aspects: one is the secret aspect toward his watchful believers; the other is the open aspect toward the unbelieving Jews and Gentiles. The lightning here signifies the open aspect after the great tribulation, whereas the thief’s coming in verse 43 signifies the secret aspect before the great tribulation. Lightning is concealed in a cloud, waiting for an opportunity to flash forth. Christ will also be clothed with a cloud in the air for a time and then will suddenly appear like a flash to the earth.

Matthew 24:29 says, “And immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, the moon shall not give her light, the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” This is a strong proof that the open coming of Christ will be after the great tribulation. This supernatural calamity in heaven will follow the great tribulation at the close of this age. This differs from the ones between the sixth seal and fourth trumpet (Rev. 6:12-13; 8:12), which occur very close to the beginning of the great tribulation.

Matthew 24:30 says, “And the sign of the Son of Man shall appear in heaven…” We have no way of knowing what this sign is. However, it must be supernatural and clearly visible, appearing in heaven. The tribes here refer to the tribes of the nation of Israel, and the land to the holy land. At the Lord’s appearance, all the tribes of Israel will repent and wail (Zech. 12:10-14; Rev. 1:7).

The Son of Man will come on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. By this time the Lord is no longer in the cloud, but on the cloud, appearing to the people on earth. This is the open aspect of his second coming. In Christ’s first coming, his authority was manifested in such things as casting out demons and healing diseases to vindicate himself as the heavenly king; whereas in his second coming, his power will be exercised to execute God’s judgment, to destroy Antichrist and his armies, and to bind Satan for the establishment of his kingdom on earth.