2023-11-30 周四 心思坚固的营垒




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A Strong Fortress of the Mind – 2 Cor. 10:4-5

Due to Satan entering into us and the Lord Jesus also entering into us, we may be in three kingdoms. If we live in the soul, we must be in the kingdom of man; If we live according to the flesh, we become part of Satan’s kingdom; If we walk in the spirit and live according to the spirit, we are in the kingdom of God. However, it is tough for anyone to be in the kingdom of man. Our soul has become fragile in man’s kingdom. Even with the slightest blow, our soul will be broken and succumbed. Therefore, whenever we try to act like humans, all we can do is be like the devil. Whenever we try to do good, we find that we become evil; whenever we make an effort to be patient or gentle and not lose our temper, we inevitably lose our temper. Why is this happening? Because the evil one does not allow us to act appropriately. Satan is trying his best to conquer us and bring us under his control. It is difficult for the kingdom of man to be independent. At best, it is merely a small colony in the kingdom of Satan. In other words, the kingdom of man is always under the control of the kingdom of Satan. Practically speaking, there are only two kingdoms on earth today: the kingdom of Satan (including the kingdom of conquered man) and the kingdom of God.

The battlefield between these two kingdoms is our mind, upon which the kingdom of Satan is at war with the kingdom of God. The spiritual battle between God and Satan is entirely in our mind. Although the Lord Jesus is now in our spirit, he has a big problem: he cannot easily penetrate into our mind. Our mind is a fortress which is difficult for the Lord Jesus to enter. 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 reveal such a fact, the stronghold is the rebellious thoughts attributed to the fallen mind. Paul said the spiritual warfare is to overthrow the thoughts and reasoning in our mind. To overthrow them means to conquer the mind and take it over. The mind of many Christians today is under the control of Satan. A stronghold is made up of concepts, ideas, opinions, judgments and even ways of thinking. All of these are elements of the mind. One often says, “I don’t agree with that!” This means they insist on what is in their mind.