2023-11-29 周三 人的魂—战场




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The Human Soul – A Battlefield – 2 Tim. 4:22, 1 Cor. 6:17

Satan has entered into our body and wants to control our soul from our body. Therefore, Satan works from the outside into the inside, yet the Lord works in an opposite direction, from the inside to the outside. One day the Lord entered into our spirit, which is the center and hub of our whole being, and made this spirit his dwelling place (Rom. 8:16, 2 Tim. 4:22, 1 Cor. 6:17). From his abode in our spirit, the Lord works outwardly toward our soul, but Satan works toward our soul in our body.

Now we can see there are three parties: God, man and Satan are all within man. In the Garden of Eden, Adam faced two choices: the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. In today’s church, the tree of knowledge is in our body and the tree of life is in our spirit. Both sources are within us now. We need to realize we are complicated persons due to these three parties within us, and we need to know human beings have three parts: spirit, soul and body. Did you know that Satan has taken up a dwelling place in your body, that is your flesh? Did you know that the Lord has also taken up a dwelling place in your spirit? Between the spirit and the body there is the soul, which is the self. Your self live in your soul. Consequently, Satan lives in your body, the Lord Jesus lives in your spirit and you live in your soul, which creates a very complicated situation! Before you were saved, you were not that complicated; you were uncomplicated because you had been following Satan. However, the day you believed in the Lord Jesus, a battle began. It is a continuous battle owning to three inhabitants within you: Satan in your body, Christ in your spirit and your self in your soul. It is possible that you have some difficulties today which are caused by the complicated situation within you.