2023-11-24 周五 神的国(一)






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The Kingdom of God (1) — 2 Cor. 10:4-5

Let’s take a look at an example of a young man who just got saved. Before he was saved, he was completely under the principle of demons. Every part of his being was in rebellion against God. But one day the Lord Jesus came into him. The more he said Hallelujah and the more he prayed-read the word of the Lord, the more the Lord Jesus would expand in him. The more he shouted “Oh, Lord Jesus!”, the more the Lord occupied him. When he called upon the Lord’s name and praised the Lord, then the Lord expanded within him.

However, many times the Lord Jesus cannot get through him. The Lord has no way to penetrate his mind and his thoughts. His concepts are strongholds through which the Lord Jesus cannot pass. Part of his person is under the ruling of the Lord Jesus, but other parts are strongholds that resist his ruling. This is a rebellion and is under the principles of devils.

If the Lord Jesus cannot get through these strongholds after trying several times, the young man will lose his appetite for praying, reading the Bible and calling on the name of the Lord. But the Lord will wait for him, maybe in two weeks, two months or even two years, then he will try again. Perhaps this young brother eventually receives help from another brother and is stirred up for the Lord again. Because the Lord Jesus will not let go of any problem, he will touch the old strongholds within this young man again. But this time the yoing brother learned the lesson, and he immediately surrendered to the Lord and said, “Lord, Amen!” The Lord Jesus passes through him and expands more in him, which means he grows more in this young brother and occupies more of him. This growth is a gradual coming of the kingdom of God within him.

Eventually, all parts of his being – mind, emotion and will – will be fully saturated by the Lord Jesus. In other words, he has fully grown within this young brother. In a sense, he has reached the stage of harvest within this brother, who is ready and mature, like the five wise virgins (Matt. 25). If many Christians seeking the Lord were like this, the full realization of the kingdom would come.