2023-11-21 周二 撒但的国





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The Kingdom of Satan – Matt. 12:28-29

The kingdom of Satan is mentioned in Matthew 12:22-28. A demon-possessed man who was blind and mute was brought to the Lord Jesus. In the Bible, demons represent rebellion against God. The Lord Jesus casts out the demons from that man. According to our own understanding, it was merely casting out demons from a man and restoring him. However, based on the Lord Jesus’ explanation, this related to something much more crucial: it is the coming of the kingdom of God. Where demons are cast out, the kingdom of God will come.

The Pharisees hated the Lord Jesus, so they criticized his doing and said that he casted out demons only by Beelzebul. Beelzebul refers to the ruler of demons. The Pharisees knew that Satan was the ruler of demons. They rebuked the Lord Jesus and accused him of relying on Satan to cast out demons. The Lord rebuked them back by saying, “If I by Beelzebul cast out demons, by whom do your sons cast them out?” What the Pharisees told the Lord Jesus was a lie, but what the Lord said to them was a fact. Please remember that the Pharisees were extremists in religion. In their own eyes, they were worshipers of God, yet the Lord Jesus told them that their sons casted out demons by Satan. According to their own concept, they were worshiping God; in fact, they were united with Satan. The Pharisees felt that they were surely serving God, worshiping God and doing things that pleased God. They were not pagans, idolaters nor witchcrafters. They were a group of people who wanted to worship and serve God. However, the Lord Jesus exposed them and said their sons casted out demons by the power of Satan, meaning they were one with Satan.

The Lord’s words to the Pharisees revealed that Satan had his own kingdom (Matt. 12:26). There is another kingdom besides the kingdom of God. In principle the situation is exactly the same today. Although some may worship God in name and form, yet in reality they unite with Satan and serve him. They think they are in the kingdom of God, but in fact they are in the kingdom of Satan. Even when they are worshiping God, they might be in the kingdom of Satan. They may think they are working for the kingdom of God, but little do they realize that they are working for the kingdom of Satan.