2023-11-17 周五 基督在我们里面掌权






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Christ Is Reigning in Us – Dan. 7:14

There is also a mysterious kingdom.Within it there is a mysterious government, a mysterious throne, a mysterious authority, a mysterious ruling and a mysterious story. If you are a believer and pay attention to this mysterious story within you, you will often experience the reign of the kingdom within you. For instance, when you try to argue with your wife, you are unable to argue with her due to this inward authority. I believe some brothers have had this kind of experience.

If you have an argument with your wife, one thing is for sure: you don’t have to argue too much, just say a few words, then you won’t be able to pray after you return to your room. You may have some sighs, but you cannot have real prayers. It is possible that you can’t even read the Bible the next morning. Why is that? Because you are in a state of confusion inwardly, the throne within you has been overthrown, you have not submitted to authority to kept the order, and the order within you has been messed up. It may take three or four days for this topsy-turvy situation to slowly recover. At this time, you have to say to the Lord, “Lord, forgive me. I am really a weak person and failed again this time.”

The Lord may tell you to admit your mistake to your wife and say that you should not have quarreled with her. At this time, you may feel that you can’t lose your face. As a husband, how can you admit your mistake in front of her? From the perspective of ordinary men, this is unacceptable. If you are unable to obey this, you will probably not be able to pray at night. Even if you pray, it is a prayer without the supply of life. Why is that? Because the throne within you has been overthrown and you are topsy-turvy within. However, if you are submissive, quickly admit your mistake to your wife, and say, “I’m a real failure, please forgive me.” When you return to the room, you will immediately be able to praise and the spirit within you will be alive.

These are all small things, but there is a major principle. This glorious Lord and mighty king lives humbly in you and me today to establish his throne and his kingdom within. Unfortunately, we often seem to know it, but ignore this revelation and fact. The one within us is not only the Savior, the life, but also the king, the king of kings; not only on the cross, but also on the throne. Today he has entered into us with the throne. Thus, the authority of the entire universe, the authority in heaven and on earth, and the entire kingdom of God are within us.